I saw the cat jump on the table.
После “complex object” (me, you, him, her, us, them) форма глагола (инфинитив, голый инфинитив или герундий) будет стоять в зависимости от того, какой глагол стоял перед “complex object”.
Согласно схеме, приведённой в прикрепленном файле, после глаголов 1-го типа(want, wish, like, hate и т.п.), после «c. o.» мы ставим инфинитив. После глаголов 2-го типа(let, make) мы ставим голый инфинитив после «c. o.». И после глаголов 3-го типа, к которым относится глагол «to see» мы можем поставить голый инфинитив или герундий, в зависимости от того, длительное было ли действие и завершилось ли оно. В нашем случае кошка прыгнула - действие завершённое, не длительное, значит ставим голый инфинитив (инфинитив без частицы «to»)
The largest in Russia and one of the world's largest art and cultural-historical museums emerged in 1764 as a private collection of Catherine II. The museum was opened to the public in 1852 in the building of the New Hermitage specially built for this purpose.
You should visit this place because there is a huge collection of works of art and antiques. Interiors as a separate work of art. In the Winter Palace, you will stroll through the ballrooms and living rooms of the royal family, look at the magnificent stucco and painting. You can take beautiful photographs against the background of paintings by Raphael, Michelangelo, Claude Monet and other artists.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Перепишите предложения, заменяя формы действительного залога на формы страдательного. обращайте внимание на то, в каком времени употреблен глагол. образец: in a command economy the government makes all decisions about production and consumption. – > in a command economy all decisions about production and consumption are made by the government. 1. the government made all resources allocation decisions in the soviet union. 2. prices regulate consumption and production in a market economy. 3. in a mixed economy the government does not entirely regulate exchange of goods. 4. the economists are monitoring the prices and levels of consumption of different goods and services. 5. economics analyses society's production and consumption levels. 6. the company has made a decision to start producing new machines. 7. economists had studied and discussed the ideas of karl marx for over sixty years before russians put them into life. 8. if we allocate enough resources to agriculture, we will achieve a high level of production.