:закончите фразы. скажите, что вы обычно делаете в такое время. 1). i always come home after school at 3 o'clock. (я прихожу домой после школы в 3 часа) 2). i clean my teeth every day at the morning. (я чищу утром каждого дня) 3). usually i walk to my bed at the midnight. (обычно я иду к своей кровати в полночь) 4). i always learn in school in the noon. (я всегда учусь в школе в полдень) 5). i often watch tv in the evening. (обычно вечером я смотрю телевизор) 6). i usually go for a walk with my friends at half past six. (я обычно иду гулять с моими друзьями в полшестого)
Larisa Bulgakova
Can you imagine the nightmare i'm reading on the internet! it turns out that in the pacific ocean formed a new continent from garbage! what? as this is a new continent from garbage? there in the water floats a huge accumulation of waste, plastic, bottles and all that. all this garbage the man in the sea. - what's a continent? - this is a huge education in the territory can be compared with the whole country, even the continent! - and how could it be formed? something i don't understand. - ocean currents carry the debris in a certain area. turns out a huge dump in the ocean. marine animals ingest the plastic and die! - and, probably, this dump is increased? - of course, mom, what did you think? the garbage thrown away! -what a mess! you need to build waste recycling plants! everywhere! in each city! and recycle trash, but the landfill? - yes, especially all that plastic! and then there will be such a terrible "continents