ответ:Иоганн Вольфганг Дёберейнер родился в баварском городке Хоф в семье извозчика. Не имея возможности получить среднее образование, Дёберейнер усердно занимался самообразованием и смог сдать экзамены на должность аптекаря. Чтобы получить право заведовать аптекой, в 1800—1803 он изучал естественные науки в Страсбурге. Вернувшись в Германию, Дёберейнер из-за недостатка средств и цеховых ограничений фармацевтов не смог осуществить свои планы. Его попытки организовать производство и продажу химических веществ, а также основать учебное заведение по подготовке химиков-технологов также не увенчались успехом. Тем не менее, многочисленные публикации Дёберейнера о совершенствовании получения различных веществ были с одобрением встречены специалистами, и в 1810 он при содействии И. В. Гёте был приглашён в Йенский университет на должность профессора.
1. Did I go to the cinema yesterday? I didn't go to the cinema yesterday. 2. Was I going to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday? I wasn't going to the cinema yesterday. 3. Was I going to the cinema when you met me? I wasn't going to the cinema when you met me. 4. Was I doing my homework the whole evening yesterday? I wasn't doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. Was I doing my homework when my mother came home? I wasn't doing my homework when my mother came home. 6. Did I do my homework yesterday? I didn't do my homework yesterday. 7. Was I doing my homework from 5 to 8 yesterday? I wasn't doing my homework from 5 to 8 yesterday. 8. Was I doing my homework at 6 o'clock yesterday? I wasn't doing my homework at 6 o'clock yesterday. 9. Did I play the piano yesterday? I didn't play the piano yesterday. Did I write a letter to my friend? I didn't write a letter to my friend. 10. Will I be playing the piano at 4 o'clock tomorrow? I won't be playing the piano at 4 o'clock tomorrow. Will I be reading the book? I won't be reading the book. 11. Will he be sleeping when father comes home tomorrow? He won't be sleeping when father comes home tomorrow. 12. When I was going to school the day before yesterday, did I meet Mike and Pete? When I was going to school the day before yesterday I didn't meet Mike and Pete. Were they talking and laughing too? They weren't talking and laughing. Was I still laughing when we came to school? I wasn't still laughing when we came to school. Did I tell this story at home after school? I didn't tell the story at home after school. Did my father and mother like it very much? My father and mother didn't like it very much. 13. Will we be playing in the garden the whole day? We won't be playing in the garden the whole day. 14. Am I reading the story at the moment? I am not reading the story at the moment. 15. Will she be translating the text from 5 till 8 tomorrow? She won't be translating the text from 5 till 8 tomorrow.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. i usually visit my grandparents three times the week. 2. - who have got a question? - we have. 3. there is not cheese on the table. 4. i shall at home at 8 o'clock tomorrow. 5. - what did she gave you? - a book. 6. has she got the large family? 7. sam never eats hamburgers, doesn't he? 8. they haven't see the film yet. 9. nobody didn't like the game. 10. her eyes are blue, her hair are black.