[ставим have со множественным числом, has - с единственным; you - исключение, ставим have]
has got;have got;has got;have got;has got.2. a) Запиши предложения в отрицательной форме.[добавляем not, который сокращаем до n't для Составь во предложения.
[Has/have выходят на первое место (как и всегда в во предложениях вс глаголы (do/have/be и другие их формы), далее идет подлежащее и затем got]
Has Mary got a long green skirt?Has the dog got a big bone?Have you got a nice sister?Has my niece got a husband?Have Henry and Mark got a grandmother?the double date was a favor for carly’s roommate, sara. josh, carly’s date, who had recently moved to the city, was a college buddy of sara’s boyfriend, ken. the evening went well. they strolled through central park to view the autumn leaves—sara’s idea. then they rode the subway to a thai bistro near the girls’ apartment—carly’s choice. the girls shared a bottle of riesling wine. the guys drank beer and sang karaoke.
“so what do you think of josh? ” sara asked carly in the ladies’ room. “he’s really cute.”
“he’s okay,” carly replied, coming out of a stall.
“what do you mean, ‘okay’? ” sara said. “if i weren’t with ken, dot, dot, dot.” she punctuated that thought with a wink and a smile.
“you know what my job is like,” carly replied. “i don’t have time for a relationship right now.” she checked her lipstick in the mirror, looked to see if any was on her teeth, and fluffed her short, brown hair.
“well, you know what they say,” sara said with a shrug, “all work and no play, dot, dot, dot.”
the night ended a little after ten when carly said she had an early meeting.
she thanked josh for an enjoyable night, let herself into the apartment building, rode the elevator to the third floor, stripped to her panties, and climbed in bed just as sara stuck her head in the door. “the guys had a good time,” she said, “and want to do it again sometime.”
“we’ll see,” carly replied.
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