
Read and answer. 1 where can you see animals in your city town village? 2is there a zoo circus animal theatre there? 3what tricks can the animals do?

Английский язык


1)yes i can see animals in my city2)yes there is a zoo circus animals theatre .3)animals can do a lot of tricks
Larisa Bulgakova


Each family consists of parents and a child! There are many such families in the country! But have you ever wondered what kind of relationship your family members should have, namely between parents and children? What are the rights of parents to children and children to parents?

First of all, every family should feel harmony and interconnectedness, because it determines the mutual understanding of the child with his parents. According to the Constitution of Rights of Ukraine and the Civil Code, a child has his rights - his parents.

Parents must at one time take care of and take care of their child, raise her and up to 18 years to take care of her wealth.The child, in due time, has to adhere to requirements of parents, to help them!

If both parents and children follow these requirements, the family will be strong and beautiful! And this is a guarantee for the child to curry! Parents are inspired!


Кожна сім*я складається з батьків та дитини! Таких родин на території держави дуже багато! Але чи замислювалися ви над тим, які стосунки мають бути між членами сім*ї, а саме між батьками та дітьми? Які права мають батьки щодо дітей, та діти щодо батьків?

По-перше в кожній родині повинна відчуватися гармонія та взаємозв*язок, адже це зумовлює взаємопорозуміння дитини з батьками. За Конституцією прав України та Цивільним кодексом, дитина має свої права - батьки свої.

Батьки повинні в свій час опіклувати та доглядати за своєю дитиною, виховувати її та до 18 років піклуватися про її достаток. Дитина, в свій час, повина дотримуватися вимог батьків, до м!

Якщо дотримуватимуться цих вимог як батьки, так і дитина, то родина буде міцною та гарною! А це гарантія дитині до кар*єри! Батькам поштовх в натхненні!

Work stopped at noon on st augustine's day. they normally worked from sunrise to sunset, six days a week, so they needed the rest they got on holydays. he was interested in the challenge of making soft, round shapes out of hard rock. his chisels slipped and dig in too deeply, spolling the shapes. but once he had got to know the lump of rocks in front of him he could transform it. he was beginning to feel that the decorative carving demanded by his master was too easy. he wanted to carve natural-looking foliage, flexble and irregular, and copy the different shapes of real leaves, oak and ash and birch. most of all he wanted to carve scenes from stories, adam and eva and day of judgment monsters, devils and saints, but he did not dare to ask.

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Read and answer. 1 where can you see animals in your city town village? 2is there a zoo circus animal theatre there? 3what tricks can the animals do?
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