
Напишите, , сочинение на про любого известного в россии человека (можно про жившего давно) и в сочинение должно быть достижение это человека

Английский язык


Saints grand prince vladimir the red sun   was the son of prince svyatoslav of kiev and the grandson of st grand duchess olga. shortly before his death, prince svyatoslav russian land divided between his three sons: the eldest son, yaropolk received kiev, middle, oleg - drevlyane land, and the younger, vladimir - novgorod. shortly after the death of svyatoslav began feuds between the brothers, as a result of which the prince vladimir became autocratic russia. in 983, prince vladimir svyatoslavich made a successful trip to the yatvingians. in 987, he captured the city of hersonissos, owned at the time of the byzantine empire and threatened march on constantinople, demanded the hand of princess anne, the sister of the byzantine co-emperors basil and constantine. the last condition for marriage put vladimir adoption of the christian faith. when princess anne arrived with the clergy in hersonissos, prince vladimir suddenly went blind. princess invited him to be baptized immediately, in the hope of healing. during the baptism of prince sight. in spiritual ecstasy, he exclaimed: "now i saw the true god! ". some of the fighters prince affected by this miracle, and were baptized. in holy baptism prince vladimir was named in honor of basil st. basil the great. at the same time it is done in hersonissos marriage to princess anne.     as a ransom for his wife, prince returned hersonissos byzantium, built in it the church of st. john the forerunner and baptist encyclopedia of people and ideas: prince vladimir. baptism of russia. vladimir day. baptism of prince vladimir. prayer to st. vladimir. omens, charms, customs, ritualsвот на всякий случай версия  святой равноапостольный великий князь владимир красное солнышко   был сыном киевского князя святослава и внуком святой равноапостольной великой княгини ольги. незадолго до смерти князь святослав разделил землю между тремя сыновьями: старший сын, ярополк, получил киев, средний, олег, - землю древлянскую, а младший, владимир, - новгород. вскоре после смерти святослава между братьями начались распри, в результате которых владимир стал единодержавным князем руси. в 983 году князь владимир святославич совершил удачный поход на ятвягов. в 987 году он захватил город херсонес, принадлежавший в то время византийской империи и, угрожая походом на константинополь, потребовал руки царевны анны, сестры византийских императоров-соправителей василия и константина. последние условием брака поставили принятие владимиром веры христовой. когда царевна анна прибыла с духовенством в херсонес, князь владимир внезапно ослеп. царевна предложила ему немедленно креститься, в надежде исцеления. во время крещения князь прозрел. в духовном восторге он воскликнул: «теперь я узрел бога истинного! ». некоторые из дружинников князя, пораженные этим чудом, также крестились. во святом крещении князь владимир был наречен василием в честь святого василия великого. тогда же в херсонесе совершилось его бракосочетание с царевной анной.     в качестве выкупа за жену князь возвратил херсонес византии, построив в нем храм во имя святого иоанна предтечи и крестителя господня энциклопедия людей и идей: князь владимир. крещение руси. день владимира. крещение князя владимира. молитва святому владимиру. приметы, заговоры, обычаи, ритуалы. мне в школе тоже давали такое , мучилась 2 ночи.
Michail gorbachev,soviet leader,born stavropol,russia,1931 after becoming secretary general of the communist party in 1985,he began his policy of''perestroika' wich brought greater freedom to the soviet union and eventually enabled countries such as hungary,poland and romania to form their own democratic goverments.his policies were much admired in the west and he was awarded the nobel peace prize in 1990.however,his popurarity declined in his own country and he resigned a yeat later.by 1996 he was so unpopular that he gained onl y 0,5 per cent of the vote in russian's first presidential election.

ответ:Every person needs some free time, be it a kid or an adult. Most schoolchildren and employees usually rest at weekend. This is the best time for relaxing and doing what you like. Evenings of weekdays also offer some free time.

When I get back from school, I eat something quick and do my homework. After that I’m free to meet up with friends, to play computer games or to draw, which is my hobby. Sometimes, I play volleyball or other active games with my friends at the school playground. In summertime I also like playing ping-pong and I’m rather good at it. Weekends are a bit different.

My parents usually give me some pocket money each week. I try to spend them reasonably. During the week I pay for lunch at the school canteen. Sometimes I need to buy some stationery.

At weekends I go out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the pizza place. However, my favourite pastime at weekends is bowling. I like this game. I think it is not only entertaining but also social. Bowling unites like-minded people and gives a chance to communicate with good friends, instead of sitting in front of the computer.

I don’t mind computer games, but they can get addictive and certainly spending long hours in front of the screen is not healthy. It influences eyesight and brain activity. I keep in touch with some friends through social networks or chats, but I understand that real life communication is much better. Apart from seeing friends, I spend my free time with my family members and relatives, especially on special occasions. On birthdays, anniversaries, public holidays we have family gatherings at my grandma’s place.


They work hard  at universityshe trawels  twice a year i write  to my parents every week it usually snows here in winter  the film starts every earlythey dont  work hard  at university she doesnt trawel twice a year i dont write  to my parents every week it    doesnt usually  snow  here in winter  the film doesnt start  every early do they work hard  at university? does she   trawel twice a year? do i write  to my parents every week does it usually  snow  here in winter  does the film  start  every early

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