If i was kidnapped by aliens. if i was kidnapped by aliens, i would be very surprised, first of all. the second thing i would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. it could be a sign-language or something like it. thirdly, i am a curious person, so i would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. i would certainly ask them is 'star wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any jedi. it would be a great experience, i reckon!
Что такое погода ? погода это изменение климата . погода бывает ,, дождливая,солнечная, ветряная , тёплая, холодная , .. но мне больше всего нравится солнечная погода. когда на улице тепло , дует свежий ветерок , щекоча мои глаза . а когда ещё и идёт дождь , это становится волшебным . посмотрев в небо увидишь как с небес падает капли дождя освящённые солнечными лучами . словно попадаешь в сказку. what is the weather like? weather is climate change. weather happens ,, rainy, solar, wind, warm, cold, .. but i really like the sunny weather. when the heat is on the street, blowing a fresh breeze tickling my eyes. and when the rain and more, it becomes magical. looking at the sky you see from heaven like raindrops falling sanctified sunlight. like in a fairy tale
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