
Сегодня ужасный день из за того что я болею(на как сказать? )

Английский язык


Today is so bad day, because I am ill.
This is a horrible day, because I'm sick.
The higher education, or higher education — the level of professional education following after secondary general or professional education. Includes set of the systematized knowledge and practical skills which allow to solve theoretical and practical problems of a professional profile, using and creatively developing modern achievements of science, the equipment and culture. The higher education is mastered in higher educational institutions — universities, academies, institutes, the highest schools and some colleges. According to the world rating of QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2016 the top ten of the countries with the best system of the higher education was made by the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, China, South Korea and Japan.

Вы́сшее образова́ние, или вы́сшее профессиона́льное образова́ние — уровень профессионального образования, следующий после среднего общего или профессионального образования. Включает в себя совокупность систематизированных знаний и практических навыков, которые позволяют решать теоретические и практические задачи по профессиональному профилю, используя и творчески развивая современные достижения науки, техники и культуры. Высшее образование осваивают в высших учебных заведениях — университетах, академиях, институтах, высших училищах и некоторых колледжах. Согласно всемирному рейтингу QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2016 первую десятку стран с лучшей системой высшего образования составили США, Великобритания, Германия, Австралия, Канада, Франция, Нидерланды, Китай, Южная Корея и Япония.  

A. The ecosystem includes a complex of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) elements, habitat and their interaction with each other to create a continuous cycle of substances and energy

B. Nature needs protection, because man pollutes and destroys it and can cause irreparable harm to it. As an example, waterlogging and salinization of soils, pollution with oil products, radioactive waste and landfills.

C. 1.Physical pollution includes thermal (thermal), light, noise, vibration, electromagnetic, and ionizing pollution.

2.Light pollution is a violation of the natural illumination of the environment. Leads to disruption of the rhythms of activity of living organisms. Increasing water turbidity in water bodies reduces the flow of sunlight to the depth and photosynthesis of aquatic vegetation.

3.Noise pollution. Sound – as a physical phenomenon, is a wave motion of an elastic medium. Noise – any kind of sounds that interfere with the perception of useful sounds or break the silence. The sound frequency range that the human ear perceives is from 16 to 20,000 Hz. Sound waves with a frequency below 20 Hz are called infrasonic, and above 20,000 – ultrasonic.

D. 1.An ecosystem or ecological system is a biological system (biogeocenosis) consisting of a community of living organisms (biocenosis), their habitat (biotope), and a system of connections that exchange substances and energy between them. One of the main concepts of ecology. An example of an ecosystem is a pond with plants, fish, invertebrates, microorganisms that make up the living component of the system, and a biocenosis. The pond as an ecosystem is characterized by bottom sediments of a certain composition...2.Changes made in one component of the ecosystem can lead to adverse consequences in the functioning of the entire ecosystem. Intelligent human activity is not always able to foresee the consequences of its activities.

F. Violation of the ecological balance between natural factors and human activity is a socio-ecological crisis. This means that the balance between the environment and society is broken. This situation can lead to the death of humanity

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Сегодня ужасный день из за того что я болею(на как сказать? )
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