
Tell your foreign friend about the way you help people around you. перевод тут не нужен выполните только 5 придложений

Английский язык



hello! sometimes people need in our help and we must do it.i try to listen a man with attention and to give good advice. if your friend need in your help as a secret you shoul to keep this secret but to help him. i know that sometimes it is very difficult to make a chice instead of other people to help him.


Once upon a time, a poor woodcutter set off for a day's work in the forest.he walked among the trees until he found a great and sturdy oak."i can make many fine boards from such a tall , straight tree, '' the woodcutter said.then he took hold of his ax and got ready to chop down the tree. suddenly , a fairy appeared on the lowest branch of the tree . in a tiny voice , the fairy begged the woodcutter to spare the oak tree."if you let the tree stand," the fairy explained , "i will grant you three wishes." the woodcutter scratched his head and thought about this for a few moments. then he agreed to do as the fairy asked and went off to find another tree to cut. at the end of the day , the woodcutter returned home. by then, he had forgotten about the fairy and the three wishes she had promised to give him. when he stepped into his cottage, he saw that his wife had set his supper on the table. there was nothing but a bowl of thin broth and a small crust of bread. suddenly, the woodcutter thought about the sausage, and the sausage appeared. his wife didn't understand what was going on. and she said " what an old fool you are to waste a magical wish on a sausage! i wish that sausage were attached to your nose. that would teach you a lesson. instantly , the sausage flew up from the plate and attached itself to the woodcutter's nose. she cried.her thoughts were about luxury life, but her husband's nose was important too.and she wished. " i wish for you to have the nose you've always had." with those words, the sausage vanished. the woodcutter and his wife smiled at each other and sighed with relief. then they ate their meager supper together. the end)) надеюсь я тебе ) удачи в учёбе))
All the reports say about a new hurricane. when louisiana began to reconstruct itself from a natural disaster another hurricane hits and causes many evacuees sent back to shelters. many people fail to understand or realize how people and pets still don't have a place to live. because shelters are overpopulated due to recent natural disasters, many pets of disaster victims still need a permanent place to live recent disasters will cause people to become homeless. many people did not believe the hurricanes were going to cause as more damage as they did to the affected cities.

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Tell your foreign friend about the way you help people around you. перевод тут не нужен выполните только 5 придложений
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