
Перевод сделать на . 1.abai is a great poet-englightener, a bard, a founder of kazakh literature. 2.abai was born in the chingiz mountains of semipalatinsk region, in the family of a rich feudal lord. 3.abai finished medresse(religious schoolhe studied at russian school unauthorized. 4.he started writing poerty at school. 5.abai`s father took him back to the village where abai became a judge. 6.abai translated works of pushkin, lermontov, gothe, tolstoi, saltykov-schedrin and of other poets and writers into kazakh. 7.abai`s works urge people to labour and to struggle for reorganization of life. 8.a lot of his poems are dedicated to new attitude to the family, to the parent`s duty, to the education of young generation. 9.abai described nature, life and traditions of simple people poetically. 10.the most famous work of abai is `words of edification`.

Английский язык


Arzieva Abdulmanov1438
1.Абай – великий поэт-просветитель, бард, основоположник казахской литературы. 2.Абай родился в Чингизских горах Семипалатинской области, в семье богатого феодала. 3.Абай закончил медресе (религиозная школа). Он учился в русской школе незаконно. 4. в школе он начал писать стихи. 5. отец Абая забрал его обратно в деревню, где Абай стал судьей. 6.Абай перевел произведения Пушкина, Лермонтова, Гете, Толстого, Салтыкова-Щедрина и других писателей и поэтов на казахский язык. 7. Работы Абая призывают людей к труду и борьбе за реорганизацию жизни. 8.Много его стихов посвящены новому отношению к семье, к родительскому долгу, к воспитанию молодого поколения. 9.Абай поэтически описывал природу, быт и обычаи простых людей. 10. «Слова назидания» - самое знаменитое произведение Абая.
Константин Андрей

1. If he came on time, this might not have happened.

2. It is a pity that you will be so busy in the evening and cannot help me.

3. What would you do if a building started a fire?

4. If not for his work, he would be able to become your guide in St. Petersburg with pleasure.

5. I do not like skiing, otherwise I am. perhaps the countryside would have traveled with you on such a wonderful winter day.

6. It is a pity that you then did not understand how wrong you were.

7. You won’t understand anything if you don’t listen to me carefully.

8. If I knew that you were at home last night, I would have rushed to you for a moment to chat and have a cup of tea.

9. If he had been even a little wiser, he would not have squandered his entire fortune by gambling.

10. I did not blame him. In his place, I would do the same.


1. He must know this.

2. He must know this.

3. He probably knows that.

4. He can easily find out.

5. He may know this.

6. He may know this, only I do not believe in it.

7. Does he really know that?

8. It cannot be that he knows this.

9. He should not know this, this is classified information.

10. He should not know this.

11. He could have found out about it himself.

12. He has to find out. about everything myself.

13. You do not need to know about this, I will figure it out myself.

14. He was soon to learn about it.

15. He must know this.

1.деревья -подлеж. облетают-сказуемое. облетают как?постепенно(обст)
2.листья-подлеж.летят и падают -однородн сказ.летят откуда?отовсюду(обст) падают куда?на воду(обст места)
3.караси-подл. забираются-сказ. забираются куда?в ил(обст места)
4.солнышко-подл. выглянуло-сказ. выглянуло откуда?из-за туч(обст)
5.облака -подл. плывут-сказ. плывут куда?на восток(обст)
6.гроза-подл сказ когда?вечером(обст где?над рекою(обст)
7.осинки-подл. толпятся-сказ.тонкие-определение.толпятся как?застенчиво(обст) толпятся где?у опушки(обст места)

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Перевод сделать на . 1.abai is a great poet-englightener, a bard, a founder of kazakh literature. 2.abai was born in the chingiz mountains of semipalatinsk region, in the family of a rich feudal lord. 3.abai finished medresse(religious schoolhe studied at russian school unauthorized. 4.he started writing poerty at school. 5.abai`s father took him back to the village where abai became a judge. 6.abai translated works of pushkin, lermontov, gothe, tolstoi, saltykov-schedrin and of other poets and writers into kazakh. 7.abai`s works urge people to labour and to struggle for reorganization of life. 8.a lot of his poems are dedicated to new attitude to the family, to the parent`s duty, to the education of young generation. 9.abai described nature, life and traditions of simple people poetically. 10.the most famous work of abai is `words of edification`.
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