1. What did the shopkeeper think when he saw the thief? (Что подумал хозяин лавки (лавочник), когда увидел вора?)
2. What did Seth take when he snuck into the store? (Что взял Сет когда пробрался в лавку?)
3. What did Seth say when the shopkeeper asked Him to listen to the story? (Что сказал Сет когда хозяин лавки (лавочник) предложил послушать историю?)
4. Why did the shopkeeper not charge for the oil that Seth took? (Почему хозяин лавки (лавочник) не взял платы за масло которое взял Сет?)
5. Why did the shopkeeper take pleasure in taunting Seth? (Почему хозяин лавки (лавочник) испытывал удовольствие от того, что насмехался над Сетом?)
6. When did this story take place? (Когда происходила эта история?)
Meryl Hi, Sharon!
Sharon Hi, Mery! I hear you`ve moved toa new house. What`s it like?
Meryl It`s really lovely, but we havent got a balcony.
Sharon That`s a shame!
Meryl Bit we`ve got a swimming pool!
Sharon You`re joking!
Meryl No, it`s true. And a huge garden!
Sharon I don`t believe it! Lucky you! Is your house far from here?
Meryl No, it isn`t
Sharon: How long does it take to get there?
Meryl: About fifteen minutes.
Sharon: Do you mind if
I come and see it some day?
Meryl: Of course I don't mind. In fact, I can take you there now.
Sharon: Come on, then! Let's go!
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
2.15. переведите следующие предложения на язык: - 1. она — учитель? — да. 2. вы — не дети. вы — студенты. 3. они сейчас в классе? — нет. 4. кто вы? — я — студент. 5. она — мой друг. 6. он — не док тор. 7. это мои дети. 8. что это? это — новая книга. 9. где он был на неделе? 10. мы — друзья. с этим еще) 2.16, вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме: 1. where you from? 2. how old you? how old your brother? 3. your name? 4. glad to see you. how you? 5. the dog in the garden. 6. my parents workers. 7. your father a teacher? — no, he a doctor.. 8. he (not) a student, he a doctor 9. that book (not) very interesting. 10. the book on the table. 11. moscow the capital of russia. 12. you students? 13. the weather like today? 14. on the table? 15. boris a good football player?
2. You aren't children. You are students
3. Are they in the classroom now? No, they aren't
4. Who are you? I'm a student
5. She is my friend
6. He isn't a doctor
7. These are my children
8. What is it? It's a new book
9. Where was he last week?
10. We are friends
1. Where are you from?
2. How old are you? How old is your brother?
3. What is your name?
4. I am glad to see you. How are you?
5. The dog is in the garden.
6. My parents are workers.
7. Is your father a teacher? — No, he is a doctor.
8. He isn't a student, he is a doctor
9. That book isn't very interesting.
10. The book is on the table.
11. Moscow is the capital of Russia.
12. Are you students?
13. What is the weather like today?
14. What is on the table?
15. Is Boris a good football player?