ответ: Перевод: Несмотря на то, что меня забрали насильно здесь есть небольшие преимущества. В дикой среде всегда надо было бороться за одно пропитание, когда здесь все дают. Хищники не нападают, несмотря на то, что они сидят рядом. Но, здесь я не могу увидеть свое стадо. Интересно, как они? Может, скучают и волнуються а может им наплевать на меня. Кстати, здесь очень скучно. Единственное что можно сделать это поесть и поспать. Еще на меня все время смотрят люди, называя оленем. Но, не смотря на все это здесь нет угрозы для жизни так что я бы остался жить здесь.
Оригинал: Even though I was taken by force, there are small advantages here. In the wild, you always had to fight for one food, when everyone here gives. Predators do not attack, despite the fact that they are sitting nearby. But, here I cannot see my herd. I wonder how they are? Maybe they are bored and worried, or maybe they don't give a damn about me. By the way, it's very boring here. The only thing you can do is eat and sleep. People also look at me all the time, calling me a deer. But, despite all this, there is no threat to life, so I would stay to live here.
Ariana Grande is one of the most popular singers and entertainers of the present generation. Her songs and music videos have reached the top of international charts, and she has countless devoted fans around the world. But how much do we know about this celebrity?
Grande was born on June 26, 1993 in Boca Raton, Florida, to parents of Italian heritage. She is the daughter of Joan Grande, a CEO of a marine communications company, and Edward Butera, a graphic designer firm owner (Farber, Jim). However, the marriage of her parents did not last long, as they separated when Grande was about 8 years old.
Grande got her breakthrough by being casted for Nickelodeon’s Victorious in 2009, with several of her co-stars from 13. Through the show, she became a teen idol, and followed up th by acting in the musical Cuba Libre in 2010. However, she felt that music, not acting was her true calling. She started to work on her debut in August of 2010, and got the help of voice coach Eric Vetro ti improve her vocals. Her first ever recording was on the soundtrack for Victorious: Music from the Hit TV Show for a song called “Give It Up.”
With three years in the making, Yours Truly, Grande’s first studio album, was released on August 30, 2013. Grande wrote several of the songs on the album, and had a decent amount of creative direction. In September of 2013, the album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 album charts, having 138,000 copies sold in its first week. The album eventually sold 500,000 copies in the U.S., and more across the world, making it Grande’s first platinum album. Three singles of hers topped the charts, and she won “New Artist of the Year” from the American Music Awards in 2013, and “Breakthrough Artist of the Year” from the Music Business Association. She finished her highly successful The Listening Sessions tour, and by January of 2014, she was already working on her second album (Billboard).
Ariana Grande started out as a child actress and musical theater singer, and realized herself in singing R&B music, among other genres. She was a child prodigy and had good backing from managers throughout her career, making it easier to land roles in television series, films, and getting a record contract to sing. Now, through her talent and hard work, she has become one of the most influential and beloved singers in the world.
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1) i help – he 2) i hurry – he 3) i look – he
1) I help – he helps
2) I hurry – he hurry
3) I look – he looks
Мужской род — Masculine
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