
Cрочно ! 20 ! put the words in 2 categories nouns and verbs and make up your own sentences with them. some words can fit both categories/ represent support judge vote citizen amendment declare obey trunk decision number representative

Английский язык


Nouns: citizen, amendment, trunk, decision, representative. Verbs: represent, declare, obey. Both: support, judge, vote, number. I will be representing my school at next week's city spelling bee. I receive great support from both my parents in time of need. My mother supports me all the time. My father works as a judge. Do not judge anyone by their appearance. A vote for him will make him win the election. Don't vote for a candidate you know nothing about. I am a Russia citizen. I made amendments with my sister yesterday. The president of Germany didn't declare a war on France. You have to obey your teacher's rules. My car has a additional trunk attached to it. You have to think thoroughly before making an important decision. The number of votes is mind blowing. You have out numbered all of the other participants. The school's representative is a wise man.
Много лет назад было три брата - Солнца, Луны и петушок. В то время все они жили в небе.
Однажды ВС ушел через горы, чтобы сделать какую-то работу. Луна и петушок были дома, и работал весь день.
Вечером Луна сказал петушок: "Принесите коров домой с поля."
Петушок очень устал и сказал: "Я очень устал, я не могу сделать это, брат Луна."
Луна был очень зол, и он толкнул петушка с неба.
Вскоре ВС пришел домой. "Где петушок?" спросил он.
Луна сказал ему: "Петушок не хотим принести домой коров, а 1 толкнул его с неба».
Вс рассердился, и он сказал:... "Я не могу жить с тобой после этого, брат Луна Сейчас 1 будет работать в дневное время, и вы будете работать ночью Брат петушок всегда будем помнить меня он будет вставать по утрам со мной. Он будет смотреть на меня в небе. И он будет говорить со мной. Он всегда будет ложиться спать рано вечером, потому что он не захочет видеть вас в небе. "
И теперь, когда ВС встает утром, петушок кричит: "Cock-A-каракули-DO." Он рад видеть своего брата. Но когда солнце заходит, петушок работает дома и идет спать. Он не хочет, чтобы увидеть своего брата, Луна.
Process of the printing of the newspaper - the show bewitching. Up and down tapes with a newsprint move, rolls from ordinary-looking and faceless sheets turn into multi-colored and black-and-white cloths. It is a little people on modern printing houses, they are replaced by equipment.

Every year mechanical printers become cleverer and cleverer. Today in the St. Petersburg newspaper complex showed the new OrientSuper wonderful car. In comparison with the senior relatives it is quite tiny, but is fast - for an hour can print 30 thousand copies, and is at the same time capable to make two different editions.

The car was constructed in India on the European technology. Except speed, it has a property which will be estimated not by professionals, but readers.

And here that is important for publishing houses, so it is opportunity at the same time to print a color cover on chalk overlay paper and a black-and-white tab. By old cars of it it was impossible to make and if color, only on all four pages which are printed for time is necessary.

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Cрочно ! 20 ! put the words in 2 categories nouns and verbs and make up your own sentences with them. some words can fit both categories/ represent support judge vote citizen amendment declare obey trunk decision number representative
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