-Have you chosen your future profession? -Yes, I want to be a guide or an interpreter. -Why have you chosen to work in this field? What are your criteria? -These professions are well-paid, interesting, and useful. These are the jobs which let you learn something new everyday. I find it interesting and challenging to solve new problems. At the same time I shall work with English and Russian, the languages I like. I shall also have a wide range of opportunities to see foreign countries and to communicate with native speakers. -Do you have the needed traits of character? -Well, i”m industrious, I think, this is a very important trait of character. I am also good at languages and communicative. My father says I am organised, reliable and practical. -Wuold you like to be a programmer, for instance? -No. This job requires thorough knowledge of mathematics and computers, whereas I am not good at these sciences. -Many boys and girls want to be famous in their future. What about you? - I don’t think about being famous. If I am famous, I shall be glad. I think, but most of all I want to have a good job and be a good specialist. -Where would you study to prepare for your future profession? - I shall try to enter the Philology Department of the State University. If I fail to enter, I shall take courses. -When did you begin to think about your future profession? -Whan I was a child. Then I knew my father was a technologist and I wanted to become a technologist, too. But later I understood that I could make a terrible technologist, since I am bad at chemistry and such subjects.. -Who helped you decide what you want to be? - My parents supported me a lot, especially my mother. She helped me to understand myself.
Мне очень нравится солнечная,теплая погода.Ведь тогда ты можешь выйти на улицу,вздохнуть всей грудью,любоваться природой.Выйдешь и смотришь на небо,какое оно прекрасное,это лучистое солнышко.В эту погоду я люблю гулять с друзьями,кататься на велосипеде.Это прекрасная пора!В это время,не нужно сидеть за компьютером,нужно идти гулять,наслаждаться своей природой родного края.Каждый солнечный день я провожу с друзьями на улице или с родными на речке,в парке,на базе отдыха.Ведь с каждым днем природа погибает,и не нужно терять времени,нужно наслаждаться ей!
Вот перевод: Большинство моих друзей не очень любят читать книги. Они предпочитают ходить на дискотеки, играть в компьютерные игры, смотреть телевизор и другие записи. Я стеснительная, не очень общительная и я не провожу много времени на шумных вечеринках. Но я не чувствую себя одинокой благодаря книгам, которые я люблю. Когда я была маленькой девочкой, я любила листать страницы снова и снова, смотреть на красивые картинки и угадывать что будет делать или говорить очередной персонаж. Я начала читать когда мне было только 5 лет. Я представляла себя, путешевствующей везде, говорящей на разных языках, взбирающуюся на горы и летающей вокруг других планет. Я верила, что все что я знаю, я узнала из книг. Все мои друзья, которые много читают, очень приятны в общении. Как правило, они хороши в английском. Читая, ты погружаешься в особенный мир, который наполнен приключениями и радостью.
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-Yes, I want to be a guide or an interpreter.
-Why have you chosen to work in this field? What are your criteria?
-These professions are well-paid, interesting, and useful. These are the jobs which let you learn something new everyday. I find it interesting and challenging to solve new problems. At the same time I shall work with English and Russian, the languages I like. I shall also have a wide range of opportunities to see foreign countries and to communicate with native speakers.
-Do you have the needed traits of character?
-Well, i”m industrious, I think, this is a very important trait of character. I am also good at languages and communicative. My father says I am organised, reliable and practical.
-Wuold you like to be a programmer, for instance?
-No. This job requires thorough knowledge of mathematics and computers, whereas I am not good at these sciences.
-Many boys and girls want to be famous in their future. What about you?
- I don’t think about being famous. If I am famous, I shall be glad. I think, but most of all I want to have a good job and be a good specialist.
-Where would you study to prepare for your future profession?
- I shall try to enter the Philology Department of the State University. If I fail to enter, I shall take courses.
-When did you begin to think about your future profession?
-Whan I was a child. Then I knew my father was a technologist and I wanted to become a technologist, too. But later I understood that I could make a terrible technologist, since I am bad at chemistry and such subjects..
-Who helped you decide what you want to be?
- My parents supported me a lot, especially my mother. She helped me to understand myself.