Моя семья состоит из четырёх человек:мама,папа,мой брат Петя и я.Каждый год мы выезжаем на природу и очень весело проводим время.Играем в различные игры,жарим шашлыки,спим в палатке.Такое времяпровождение очень сближает нас друг с другом.Я очень люблю свою семью.
My family consists of four people: mom, dad, my brother Peter and ya.Kazhdy year we go to the very nature and have fun time.Play various games, fry the kebabs, sleep in palatke.Takoe pastime really brings us together. I love my family.
The Moscow Times is a English-language daily newspaper published in Moscow, Russia since 1992. The newspaper is typically given out for free at places English-language "expats" attend, including hotels, cafés and restaurants, as well as by subscription, though it is being increasingly read by English-speaking Russians. It is not available at newsstands.The newspaper regularly publishes articles by prominent Russian journalists. The Moscow Times highlights politics events that happen inside the country and abroad, business and culture news five days a week. The paper began as a twice weekly publication, before becoming a daily newspaper after a few months.
А Дзукаев1562
1) I (am) busy now. I (am doing) my homework. 2) I can help you. I (am) free now. I (have done) my homework. 3) Look! Little Johnny (is washing) his bike. He is funny, isn’t he? 4) Little Johnny (has washed) his bike. Now the bike (is) clean. 5) I (am learning) the new words now. 6) I (have learnt) the words and I can go with you. 7) I (have read) the story. I think I can answer your questions about it. 8) I (am reading) the story now. We can discuss it later. 9) Mary (is) busy. She (is buying) a present for her sister. 10) She (has bought) a present for her sister. She can go to the bookshop now.
My family consists of four people: mom, dad, my brother Peter and ya.Kazhdy year we go to the very nature and have fun time.Play various games, fry the kebabs, sleep in palatke.Takoe pastime really brings us together. I love my family.