Windsor Castle is a royal residence at Windsor in the English county of Berkshire. It is notable for its long association with the English and later British royal family and for its architecture. The original castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror. Since the time of Henry I, it has been used by the reigning monarch and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe. The castle's lavish early 19th-century State Apartments were described by the art historian Hugh Roberts as "a superb and unrivalled sequence of rooms widely regarded as the finest and most complete expression of later Georgian taste".[1] Inside the castle walls is the 15th-century St George's Chapel, considered by the historian John Martin Robinson to be "one of the supreme achievements of English Perpendicular Gothic" design.[2]
Originally designed to protect Norman dominance around the outskirts of London and oversee a strategically important part of the River Thames, Windsor Castle was built as a motte-and-bailey, with three wards surrounding a central mound. Gradually replaced with stone fortifications, the castle withstood a prolonged siege during the First Barons' War at the start of the 13th century. Henry III built a luxurious royal palace within the castle during the middle of the century, and Edward III went further, rebuilding the palace to make an even grander set of buildings in what would become "the most expensive secular building project of the entire Middle Ages in England".[3] Edward's core design lasted through the Tudor period, during which Henry VIII and Elizabeth I made increasing use of the castle as a royal court and centre for diplomatic entertainment.
Windsor Castle survived the tumultuous period of the English Civil War, when it was used as a military headquarters for Parliamentary forces and a prison for Charles I. At the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660,Charles II rebuilt much of Windsor Castle with the help of the architect Hugh May, creating a set of extravagantBaroque interiors that are still admired. After a period of neglect during the 18th century, George III and George IV renovated and rebuilt Charles II's palace at colossal expense, producing the current design of the State Apartments, full of Rococo, Gothic and Baroque furnishings. Queen Victoria made a few minor changes to the castle, which became the centre for royal entertainment for much of her reign. Windsor Castle was used as a refuge for the royal family during the Luftwaffe bombing campaigns of the Second World War and survived a fire in 1992. It is a popular tourist attraction, a venue for hosting state visits, and the preferred weekend home ofElizabeth II. Today, more than 500 people live and work in Windsor Castle, making it the largest inhabited castle in the world.
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Most parents tell their children not to play with their food. A group of musicians in Austria obviously didn't listen!
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra, which was founded in 1998, uses fresh vegetables to make music. They choose only the freshest vegetables from local markets for their instruments, which are made an hour before the show. "Fresh vegetables produce high-quality sounds. Plastic packed vegetables do not make good instruments," they say. Each vegetable can be used in many different ways. Carrots are made into flutes, leeks into violins and pumpkins into bass drums. Combinations of vegetables are also used together to create instruments. For example, they can make a trumpet by using a cucumber for the body, a carrot for the mouthpiece and a pepper for the trumpet's bell. The sound of each imstrument depends on the quality of the vegetables and the temperature on stage.
The orchestra is constantly working on developing new instruments.
Большинство родителей говорят своим детям не играть с едой. Группа музыкантов из Австрии явно не слушала (своих родителей)!
Венский овощной оркестр, основанный в 1998 году, использует для создания музыки свежие овощи. Музыканты выбирают только самые свежие овощи с местных рынков для своих инструментов, которые изготавливают за час до шоу/выступления. «Свежие овощи выдают звук высокого качества. Из овощей в пластиковой упаковке хорошие инструменты не получаются», - говорят они. Каждый овощ можно использовать по-разному. Морковь превращается в флейты, лук-порей — в скрипки, а тыквы в — басовые барабаны. Для создания инструментов используются также сочетания овощей. Например, можно сделать трубу, используя огурец для трубки, морковь для мундштука и перец для раструба. Звук каждого инструмента зависит от качества овощей и температуры на сцене.
Оркестр постоянно работает над разработкой новых инструментов.
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