
Переведите в косвенную речь. change the sentences to reported speach. 3) "what could i do? " tripp continued. "i never have money in the morning." 4) "what are you talking about, tripp? " i said. 5) "i am sorry you don't see what an interesting story you could write, " said tripp 6) will it cost me four dollars? " i asked him. "how 7) "one dollar to me, for whisky. do you agree? " 8) "give me one of the dollars quick! " he said. 9) "miss lowery, this is my friend mr. chalmers, " said tripp. 10) "yes, " said miss lowery"i can get along with him." 11) "can you make a story out of it? " he asked 12) "let's try to forget it, " i said.

Английский язык



3) Tripp asked what he could do. And he continued that he never had money in the morning.

4) I asked Tripp what he was talking about?

5) Tripp regretted that you didn`t see what an interesting story you could write.

6) I asked him if it would cost me four dollars?

7) He asked if I agreed on one dollar to him, for whisky.

8) He told to give him one of the dollars quick.

9) Tripp introduced his friend Mr. Chalmers to Miss Lowery.

10) Miss Lowery agreed to get along with him.

11) He asked whether I could make a story out of that.

12) I suggested trying to forget that. 


1. ... (часто, обычно, всегда, иногда, редко) обсуждаются законопроекты, люди получают травмы, наше поведение регулируется, законы соблюдаются, эта телепередача просматривается, товары покупаются;

2. ... сейчас (на момент выступления) обсуждается законопроект, в обществе хранятся законы вместе, автомобиль едет по левой стороне дороги;

3. ... уже, к настоящему моменту (к моменту выступления) закон сформулирован, суд был уполномочен завершить расследование, он получил ранения, спор был разрешен;

4. ... последний ..., ... назад, в 1997 году (дата) законы были созданы давно, на неделе он был наказан; смертная казнь была отменена в начале 1960-х годов.



1. something is all right, the patient is much better today!

2. Is there anything interesting in the program of the concert?

3. I could see nothing: it was quite dark.

4. Give me something to drink.

5. I didn't take any money with me so I couldn't buy anything

6. 1 saw something near the wood that looked like a tent.

7. I don't know anything about your town. Tell me something about it.

8. Please give me something warm: it is cold here.

9. There is something white in the box. 'What is it?

10. Is there anything that you want to tell me

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Переведите в косвенную речь. change the sentences to reported speach. 3) "what could i do? " tripp continued. "i never have money in the morning." 4) "what are you talking about, tripp? " i said. 5) "i am sorry you don't see what an interesting story you could write, " said tripp 6) will it cost me four dollars? " i asked him. "how 7) "one dollar to me, for whisky. do you agree? " 8) "give me one of the dollars quick! " he said. 9) "miss lowery, this is my friend mr. chalmers, " said tripp. 10) "yes, " said miss lowery"i can get along with him." 11) "can you make a story out of it? " he asked 12) "let's try to forget it, " i said.
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