Dear John.
Thank you for your letter I was glad to get it. You have asked me about what kind of sport I like. Well, my favourite sport is swimming. When i was child, i can remeber one occasion when one girl was swimming in the poll and accidently started to sink there. In that moment one man save her with his abilities and skills from swimming. I was enspired with his action and start swimming. To be honest, i would like to do a sport rather than watching. Because swmming is not visual sport where you can find mistakes, yet this sport is only with practicing and improving your phsical skills as your football. Actually, I'm agree with you that doing sport is better than watching it. If you haven't practice you've never had a result from it.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best, (Ваше имя).
White — белый (уайт) [ waɪt ]
Black — чёрный (блэк) [ blæk ]
Green — зелёный (грин) [ ɡriːn ]
Yellow — жёлтый (Елоу) [ ˈjeləʊ ]
Blue — голубой, синий (блю) [ bluː ]
Red — красный (ред) [ red ]
Brown — коричневый (браун) [ braʊn ]
Orange — оранжевый (Орэндж) [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ]
Pink — розовый (пинк) [ pɪŋk ]
Gray — серый (грей) [ ɡreɪ ]
Purple — пурпурный или сиреневый [ˈpə:pl]
Violet — фиолетовый [ˈvaɪəlɪt]Beige — бежевый [beɪʒ]
Scarlet — алый [ˈskɑ:lɪt]
Silver — серебристый [ˈsɪlvə]
Gold — золотой [gəuld]
Turquoise — бирюзовый [ˈtə:kwɑ:z]
Emerald — изумрудный [ˈemər(ə)ld]

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Как произносится текст на языке.he often asked his father questions about his animals and got answers. richard was interested in medicine. he wanted to know how to help animals. but his dream was to learn how to help people: he wanted to become a doktor, a children's doktor. when richard was eighteen, he left his home for london and went to london university. his university years were the happiest years of his life. he did what he liked and enjoyed it. when richard was 26, he met margaret. they got married and hat two children - a boy and a girl. theyare a happy family. now richard barker is working in a new hospital in london. he loves his job and is making a wonderful career. children and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doktor/
Вэн Ричард воз эйтин, хи лэфт хиз хоум фо Ландан энд вент ту Ландан Юнивёрсити. Хиз юнивёрсити еас вэ-э дэ хэпист еас оф дзис лайф. Хи дид вот хи лайкд энд энжойд ит. Вэн Ричард воз твэнти сикс, хи мит Маргарэт. Дзэй гот мэррид энд хэт ту чилдрэн - э бой энд э гёл.
Дзэй а э хэппи фэмили. Нау Ричард Бэйкер из воркин ин э нью хоспитал ин Ландан. Хи лавс хиз джоб энд мэйкин э вандэфул кариер. Чилдрэн энд дзэйр пэрэнтс лайк хим вэри мач бикоз хи из вэри гуд докто.