
Заверши его вопрос и ответь на них. -hi jane! where you (spend) the day? -we (spend) the day at bob"s honse. -hi johnny! what you (send) your friends for thanksgiving? - i (send) them greeting cards !

Английский язык


Where did you spend 
did you spend


"be careful," i told him. – i told him to be careful.

«будь осторожен», сказал я ему. – я сказал ему быть осторожнее.

"go away," he said. – he told me to go away.

«уходи», сказал он. – он велел мне уходить.

"call the first witness," said the judge. – the judge ordered them to call the first witness.

«позовите первого свидетеля», сказал судья. – судья сказал позвать первого свидетеля.

she told him, "please wait here till i return." – she requested him to wait there till she returned.

она сказала ему: «подожди, , здесь, пока я не вернусь». – она попросила его подождать здесь, пока она не вернется.

"stop smoking," the doctor said. – the doctor told me to stop smoking.

«перестаньте курить», сказал врач. – врач сказал мне перестать курить.

the stranger said to me, "please help me." – the stranger requested me to help him.

незнакомец сказал мен: «, мне». – незнакомец попросил меня ему.

the teacher said to the students, "work hard." – the teacher advised the students to work hard.

учитель сказал ученикам: «занимайтесь прилежно». – учитель посоветовал ученикам заниматься прилежно.

i said to the child, "do not look down into the well." – i warned the child not to look down into the well.

я сказал ребенку: «не заглядывай в колодец». – я ребенка не заглядывать в колодец.

the doctor said to the patient, "please come in." – the doctor allowed (= asked) the patient to come in.

врач сказал пациенту: «входите, ». – врач разрешил (= попросил) пациента войти.

1c, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5b; 

6d, 7a, 8e, 9c, 10b

11. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very CROWDED. 
12. Her cousin hates driving in HEAVY traffic. 
13. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some PEACE and quiet
14. He enjoys living in the city, but he doesn't like the high COST of living 
15. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and HELPFUL people
16.  His sister and her friends hang OUT  at the harbour at weekends.
17. l've run out OF bread, so l'll  buy some after work.
18. lf a burglar breaks into your flat, you should hand OVER your money
19. She saw a policeman running AFTER a robber
20. Tom ran INTO an old friend when he was at the shopping centre

21. He VISIT his uncle every Saturday morning
22. We ARE GOING to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us? 
23. She IS WRITING an article about crime in big cities
24. He FEEDS the cows every evening at 5:00.
25. She LEAVES late on Fridays
26. She IS THINKING of painting her house
27. He IS STUDYING in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later
28. I really have to go. My train LEAVES at 8:30 
29. Do you think she'll be here soon? The film IS STARTING in ten minutes 
30. l AM COOKING lunch today so please don't be late

31. I shouldn't worry about my best friend so much
32. I should take a painkiller 
33. I should tell her tonight 
34. I should wait until the rain stops
35. I shouldn't stay up late. 

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Заверши его вопрос и ответь на них. -hi jane! where you (spend) the day? -we (spend) the day at bob"s honse. -hi johnny! what you (send) your friends for thanksgiving? - i (send) them greeting cards !
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