Моя квартира самая красивая! В ней много комнат. В моей квартире живу я, мама, папа! у каждого есть своя комната! Я безумно люблю свою квартиру! Если описывать ща что я её люблю, этот список будет очень длинным! Но всё таки скажу пару слов за что я люблю свою квартиру. Она красивая, уютная, любимая!
Кристина Валентиновна
Нужен перевод пиши в комментариях
What these children's think about health and doctors? Bob: I think you need to talk with Doctor. When you have a problem. Doctor know what you need. And you must do, what she or he said to you, or you not feel better. When I feel bad, my parents always call Doctor. He comes and talks what need. David: I think if do sport exercise, eat good food, like grain, milk and fruits, you be strong and health not with doctors. Doctor say, you to lay in the bed and eat cure, even if you hurt head. I don't like doctors and never go on medicine.
1 The streets and squares of our cities and villages are decorated (Passive Voice) with flags and lights. 2. War veterans are invited (Passive Voice) to watch the parade, the fireworks and take part in celebrations. 3. They are also invited (Passive Voice) to attend school meetings. 4. The 66 anniversary of the Victory was celebrated (Passive Voice) last year. 5. It is (Active Voice) unfair, but every year fewer and fewer veterans are seen (Passive Voice). 6. But we are sure (Active Voice) that their heroism will always be rememberd (Passive Voice).