я перевела осталось вставить
Изучите приведенные ниже предложения и перепишите второе предложение в каждой паре, используя либо Настоящую Простую пассивную форму, либо Настоящую Непрерывную форму пассивного времени. 1. Они обсуждают прибыль каждый понедельник, Прибыль … каждый понедельник. 2. Сейчас они обсуждают прибыль. Прибыль... сейчас. 3. Она работает с этим студентом два раза в неделю. Этот студент два раза в неделю. 4. Сейчас она работает с этим студентом. Этот студент _ сейчас. 5. Они ремонтируют это здание раз в десять лет. Это здание _ раз в десятилетие
1.Choose the correst answer:
1. Have you already finished doing your homework? (a)
2. He is watching a TV-set now. (c)
3.He has not eaten an ice cream yet. (d)
4.Two heads are better than one. (d)
5. This is the most expensive shop in Moscow. (b)
6. The weather has become worse. It looks like raining. (c)
7. The USA is very large country. (b)
8. I go by car very often. (c)
9.There are some pictures in the book (c)
10. Are there any new students in your group? (a)
Задание 2
1. I get up at 7 a.m. in the morning.
2. It's time to get up.
3. I go to the bath, take a shower, brush my teeth, then I go back to my room turn on TV to listening to news, at the same time I brush my hair, shave and get dressed.
4. My sister is married. She and her husband live near us.
5. I go to college at 8.30. I have got three or four lessons every day.
6. I have two days off - Saturday and Sunday.
7. Our lunch time at 13.00 p.m. We go to the canteen.
8. My lessons are usually finished at 3 p.m. I sometimes go to the library.
9. I come back home, have dinner with my family, watch TV, then I read a book. I usually sleep at 11 p.m.
Задание 3
1. 1.Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children. Both of children are boys.
2.I want to read this article. Give …me the newspaper.
3.Miss Smith is a teacher. Her…students are German.
4.Look at your shoes. …There are dirty.
5.We are French. Our friends are English.
6.I love Mary. …She is my best friend.
7.You are in Moscow, but …your family is in London.
Задание 4
Fill in the correct article if it is necessary.
1.“Is this your ... pen?” — “No, it isn’t my ... pen”.
2.I have ..a. brother. My ... brother is ...a doctor. My brother’s ... wife is .a.. teacher.
3.I live in …a small town. This… town is quite.
4.…The sun is so bright today.
5.Please open …the door.
6.Do you like … vegetables?
Задание 5
Write nouns in the plural form:
sheep -sheep
table -tables
woman -women
cherry -cherries
day -days
foot -feet
baby -babies
goose -geese
Задание 8
Complete the dialogue:
- Hi! I’m Pavel. And what is your name?
— Hi! My name is Anna.
— How are you?
— I'm fine. How are your?
— Where are you from?
— I'm from Russia. Where are your from?
— And I’m from Australia. Nice to meet you.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Назовите три формы следующих неправильных глаголов: то be; to have; to mean; to learn; to become; to bring; to know; to think; to buy; to pay; to take; to do; to begin; to give; to make; , to keep; to get; to read; to show.
To have had had
To mean meat meant
To learn learnt learnt
To become became become
To bring brought brought
To know knew known
To think though though
To buy bought bought
To pay paid paid
To take took taken
To do did done
To begin began begun
To give gave given
To make made made
To keep kept kept
To get got got
To read read read
To show, showed showed (shown )