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Английский язык


Например двигатель приводит к создания машины

In our time, just need to be a successful person. To achieve recognition and to be successful in anything, you must have set some personal qualities, such as enterprise, savvy, communication skills, resourcefulness, luck. You should be able to find a common language with people and calculate the situation ten steps ahead.To become a successful person must first of all to aspire to. The more you invest in your future now, the more fruit it will bring to you later. The most important thing will never deviate from their goals, always carry out his plan, and always be ahead of the rest. This is the key to the success of any individual.


my house.

i live in a big house/flat. it has got 4 rooms: a kitchen, a living-room and 2 bedrooms.

our kitchen is big. there is a table, 4 chairs, a fridge, a gas stove, a sink and a cupboard. there is a big window in our kitchen. we have family dinner in our kitchen.

our living-room is very big. there is a sofa, two armchairs, a tv and a carpet. there are two big windows in the living-room. we like to read books and watch tv there in the living-room.

there are two bedrooms in our house: my parents’ bedroom and my bedroom. my parents’ bedroom is not very big. there is a bed, a wardrobe and a table there. my bedroom is small. there is a bed, a wardrobe, a computer and a table in my room. i like to read books and play computer in my room.

i like my house.

my working day.

i get up at 7’o clock every morning. i make my bed, do my morning exercises and go to the bathroom. i clean my teeth and wash my face and hands. then i dress myself and brush my hair. then i have my breakfast. i eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. then i take my bag and go to school. my lessons begin at 8.30. i have got 5 or 6 lessons at school. i have lunch at 11 o’clock. i come home at 2 o’clock. i have dinner and have a rest. i go for a walk with my friends. i help my mother about the house. at 5 o’clock i do my homework. after supper i usually read a book, watch tv or play computer. i go to bed at 10 ‘clock.

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