1. Benjamin enjoys listened to his iPad.
2. I don't mind did the washing up.
3. Birthday are not easy remembered.
4. Adam is really good at swam.
5. She waited bought a candy bar.
6. The doctor told his patients ate healthy food.
7. My house is easy found.
8. She is interested in became a dentist.
9. He is saving money bought a new phone.
10. When I save my grandma I couldn't help hugged her.
11. My favorite hobby is walked.
12. My father helped me did my homework.
13. I'm sick of ate hotdogs every day.
14. It is important surfed the internet for more information.
15. She advised me saw a doctor as soon as possible.
16. I don't feel like studied French today.
a) We have gone to the forest.
b) They have visited their grandparents.
c) I have done the housework.
d) Alice has eaten all the cookies.
e) My friends have been in this shop.
a) I have not done homework.
b) She has not visited the elderly people in the hospital.
c) Dad has not watched the news.
d) My sisters have not ridden a horse.
a) Have we cooked a salad?
b) Have you helped your mother?
c) Has she eaten the ice cream?
d) Have the children learnt new words?
do - did - done
learn - learnt - learnt
go - went - gone
have - had - had
make - made - made
eat - ate - eaten
ride - rode - ridden
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Лисиця — м’ясоїдна тварина, пов’язане з собачої сім’єю. Вона може бути коричневого, чорного, сріблястого і сірого кольору. Вона має чотири ноги з чорними лапами, два великих вуха, сильні кігті і густий хвіст. Вона має гарне блискуче хутро. У неї дуже гарний нюх і слух. Вона в основному активна вночі. Вона живе в норі. Лисиці харчуються гризунами, фруктами, ягодами, кроликами, зміями, рибою, птахами, яйцями, жуками і комахами. Їх середня тривалість життя становить 5 років.