Вжелезной руде содержатся железо и примеси в отношении 5 : 4. определи, сколько тонн железа получится из 423 т руды.
2 Sean Connery is Irish. (Scottish) Sean Connery isn't Irish. He is Scottish. 3 I'm American. (British) I'm not American. I'm British. 4 Osaka and Kyoto are in China. (Japan) Osaka and Kyoto aren't in China. They are in Japan. 5 We're in room 104. (room 105) We aren't in room 104. We are in room 105. 6 Champagne is from Italy. (France) Champagne isn't from Italy. It's from France. 7 You're Russian. (Polish) You aren't Russian. You are Polish. 8 Cameron Diaz is Spanish. (American) Cameron Diaz isn't Spanish. She is American.
b Order the words to make questions. (Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились вопросы) 1 your / 's / name / What What's your name? 2 she / Where / 's / from Where's she from? - Откуда она? 3 United / from / they / States / the / Are Are they from the United States? 4 seven / room / we / in / Are Are we in room seven? 5 holiday / you / Are / on Are you on holiday? 6 from / he / Japan / Is Is he from Japan?
c Match these answers to the questions in exercise b. a Yes, he is. •6 b No, I'm not. •5 c She's from Italy. •2 d No, we aren't. •4 e Yes, they are. •3 f Andrew. •1
At all times, clothes were considered to be the mirror of human soul reflecting features of each personality. Usually people wear clothes that are in compliance with their own tastes, habits and occupation. First of all, style of clothing can be engaged in. To illustrate, public officials are obliged to wear suits, blouses and other strict clothes which complies with the demands of so-called dress code In addition, the style of the clothes reflects the person's mood at the very moment, his or her possible psychological problems and state of the soul. A sort of example that aptly comes to. According to some, those who are in the habit of wearing black In some religious currents, it is white clothes that serves as ritual one. What is more, bright colors in one's everyday clothes. All things considered, clothes are considered to be particular shell which expresses the inner state as well as the type of occupation.
Одежда всегда считалась зеркалом человеческой души, отражающей особенности каждой личности. Обычно люди носят одежду, которая соответствует их собственным вкусам, привычкам и занятиям. Прежде всего, можно использовать стиль одежды. Чтобы проиллюстрировать это, государственные должностные лица обязаны носить костюмы, блузки и другую строгую одежду, которая соответствует требованиям дресс кода. Кроме того, стиль одежды отражает настроение человека в данный момент, его или ее возможные психологические проблемы и состояние души. Какой-то пример, который точно подходит. По мнению некоторых, те, кто привык носить черное. В некоторых религиозных течениях это белая одежда, которая служит ритуальной. Более того, яркие цвета в повседневной одежде. Считается, что одежда считается особой оболочкой, которая выражает внутреннее состояние, а также тип занятия.
Ответить на вопрос
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Вжелезной руде содержатся железо и примеси в отношении 5 : 4. определи, сколько тонн железа получится из 423 т руды.
Sean Connery isn't Irish. He is Scottish.
3 I'm American. (British)
I'm not American. I'm British.
4 Osaka and Kyoto are in China. (Japan)
Osaka and Kyoto aren't in China. They are in Japan.
5 We're in room 104. (room 105)
We aren't in room 104. We are in room 105.
6 Champagne is from Italy. (France)
Champagne isn't from Italy. It's from France.
7 You're Russian. (Polish)
You aren't Russian. You are Polish.
8 Cameron Diaz is Spanish. (American)
Cameron Diaz isn't Spanish. She is American.
b Order the words to make questions. (Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились вопросы)
1 your / 's / name / What
What's your name?
2 she / Where / 's / from
Where's she from? - Откуда она?
3 United / from / they / States / the / Are
Are they from the United States?
4 seven / room / we / in / Are
Are we in room seven?
5 holiday / you / Are / on
Are you on holiday?
6 from / he / Japan / Is
Is he from Japan?
c Match these answers to the questions in exercise b.
a Yes, he is. •6
b No, I'm not. •5
c She's from Italy. •2
d No, we aren't. •4
e Yes, they are. •3
f Andrew. •1