
Complete the sentences with these words. just, lonely, draw, every day, in a hurry, stressful, holiday. 1. i don't have breakfast when i'm 2. david has 28 days of every year. 3. my father drinks four cups of coffee . 4. my boyfriend has a very job. 5. peoplewho work at home are sometimes . 6. i have a sandwich for lunch.

Английский язык


1. in a hurry
2. holiday
3. every day
4. stressful
5. lonely
6. just
1. My mother enjoys to museums. ( going)
2. I’d really love a pilot. (to be)
3. I hate the ironing. ( doing)
4. This is the only way this conflict. (to stop)
5. I love in the sea. ( swimming)
6. My mother made me my room. ( tidy)
7. Do you like ? ( cooking)
8. His goal is a famous scientist. (to become)
9. I prefer by train to . ( travelling, driving)
10. Would you like shopping tomorrow? (to go)
11. Would you mind the door? ( closing)
12. Friends should never selfish. ( be)
13. Who was the first man on the Moon? (to walk)
14. Sam suggested to the cinema. ( going)
15. I would hate a yard cleaner. ( being)
16. Avoid with the fridge door open while you wonder what to eat. ( standing)
17. She is too young clubbing. (to go)
18. You must hard for your exams. ( study)
19. Are you thinking of a car? ( buying)
20. She is old enough home late. (to come)
21. A pupil apologized for sorude. ( being)
22. “Shall we go by train?” “Well, I’d prefer by car.’ (to go)
23. He always has difficulty in with people. ( communicating)
24. I was glad you had arranged everything well. (to hear)
25. Do you want me you money? (to lend)
26. I can’t stand behind desk. ( being)
27. Her parents wouldn’t let her out alone. ( go)
28. I hope you everything we need. ( buy)
29. Why do you dislike here? ( living)
30. “What about a game of tennis?” “I’d rather volleyball.” ( play)
Остап-сын Тараса Бульбы, брат Андрия , один из главных героев произведения "Тарас Бульба". В этом произведении несколько сюжетный линий, одна из них-отношения между родителями и детьми- строится на антитезе двух братьев. Остап-серьезный,рассудительный юноша, любимец Тараса Б. Его брат, Андрий , больше склонен к ветренности , мечтательности , поэтому не пользуется большим уважением отца . С самого начала Остап положительно проявляет себя как воин,борец, а Андрий-это просто хороший,интересный человек ,но в нем будто не течет казацкая кровь,кровь истиннго воина.Вот и в кульминации произведения Андрий,отдавшись мечтам ,любви, переходит на сторону противника, к девушке,которую он любит. За это отец убивает негодного сына. Остапа же Тарас уважает, любит и хвалит за его подвиги и достижения.Остап и Андрий - два типа людей,совершенно непохожих друг на друга , два типа, на которые делится наше общество. У одного в голове мечты,любовь ,у другого-единственная мечта:стать достойным воином и гордостью отца. У НАС В ШКОЛЕ ТОЖЕ НЕДАВНО ЭТО БЫЛО)

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Complete the sentences with these words. just, lonely, draw, every day, in a hurry, stressful, holiday. 1. i don't have breakfast when i'm 2. david has 28 days of every year. 3. my father drinks four cups of coffee . 4. my boyfriend has a very job. 5. peoplewho work at home are sometimes . 6. i have a sandwich for lunch.
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