
Пояснити прислів'я , , друзі злодії часу" на аглійській мові

Английский язык



Friends are people who steal from you time but in the useful side you do the lessons but they call you football badly and on the one hand is good. Spend more time with friends



1 I can swim. (Я умею плавать.)

2 She can ride a bike. (Она умеет ездить на велосипеде.)

3 Can you play cricket? (Вы умеете играть в крикет?)

4 He can't speak English. (Он не может/не умеет говорить по-английски.)

5 Can they swim fast? (Они умеют быстро плавать?)

6 She can't eat 20 cakes! (Она не может съесть 20 пирожных/тортов!)

7 He can cook dinner. (Он может приготовить ужин.)

8 He can't speak Chinese. (Он не может говорить по-китайски.)

9 She can dance very well. (Она умеет очень хорошо танцевать.)

10 You can get to Cholpon-Ata by a scooter. (Вы можете добраться до Чолпон-Аты на мотороллере.)




3 -A



If a good coach coached our team, we would have won the cup. 2. If the athletes did not train hard, they could not set new records. 3. If de badminton was so popular as football stadiums would be filled with fans. 4. If you do aerobics, you would be a beautiful figure. 5. If I did not like so much horse, I would not be involved in equestrian sport. 6. If Bob did not have such a quick response, he would not be a good fencer. 7. If Tom was not sick, he would take part in the championship. 8. If you have lied to me, I would have despised you. без переводчика 

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