
.выделите сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и укажите инфинитив. when he came home, his children had been playing in the garden for three hours already. 2. my friend has just come back from moscow. 3. by monday they had not done it. 4. the day was wet. by the time i reached home my raincoat had been all wet. 13. please, come at five. by that time i shall have been cooking dinner for an hour and you’ll help me.14. have you read anything by tolstoy? 5. tomorrow by six i shall have finished the letter and you will be able to send it. 6. when he came home, the children had been sleeping for two hours already. 7. what is your brother doing? – he has been working in the garden for three hours already.8. my friend has just come back from kiev.9. it wasn’t bad to finish dinner with coffee. 10. come to see me tomorrow. by three o’clock i shall have cooked some meat

Английский язык


You sould eat more food.
Children of your age have to eat more food.
If you want know english better, you should spend more time warking with your dictionary.
They should learn the rules of using the library.
Students should return themselfs(возвращаться)/return books(возвращать книжки) to the library in time. (Вообще-то, "in time" это вовремя, но как переводится "належний час" я не знаю.)
We should work hard if we want have time to watch the concert.
He should not ride a bike in (или "at") the street, where is heavy traffic.
You should not use dictionaries during your examination of tests.
People cannot live without music. they listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. there is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street.music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. it is an art which reflects life. music reflects people's ideas and emotions. in this world of ours, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant. it is a great pleasure to be able to play an instrument and i like it a lot. люди не можуть жити без музики. вони слухають музику, потанцювують під музику або вчаться грати на музичних інструментах. існує музика всюди: вдома, в концертному залі, в парку, на березі моря, в лісі і навіть на вулиці.музика не тільки поєднання приємних звуків. це мистецтво, яке відображає життя. музика відображає ідеї та емоції людей. у нашому світі,який наповнений   конфліктами, трагедіями, радощами і надіями, музика прагне говорити людям те, що є найбільш важливим, актуальним і гострим.   це велике задоволення, щоб мати можливість грати на музичному інструменті, і я це дуже подобається.  

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

.выделите сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и укажите инфинитив. when he came home, his children had been playing in the garden for three hours already. 2. my friend has just come back from moscow. 3. by monday they had not done it. 4. the day was wet. by the time i reached home my raincoat had been all wet. 13. please, come at five. by that time i shall have been cooking dinner for an hour and you’ll help me.14. have you read anything by tolstoy? 5. tomorrow by six i shall have finished the letter and you will be able to send it. 6. when he came home, the children had been sleeping for two hours already. 7. what is your brother doing? – he has been working in the garden for three hours already.8. my friend has just come back from kiev.9. it wasn’t bad to finish dinner with coffee. 10. come to see me tomorrow. by three o’clock i shall have cooked some meat
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