
Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don't know how to deal with anger and conflict. conflict is part of everyone's life. it will show up at conflict is part of everyone's life. school, at work and at home. it's ok to fell angry frustrated, annoyed, disappointed or sad. these feelings are natural, but it's how you deal with them that makes the difference. resolving conflict is a step by step process. then, say what's really bothering you. while doing that, watch how you express yourself. don't blame or accuse. share how you feel by using "i" statements. как читается по !

Английский язык


Потеря друзей почти так же просто, как и друзей, если вы не знаете, как бороться с гневом и конфликтом. Конфликт - это часть жизни каждого. Он появится в конфликте - это часть жизни каждого. школы, на работе и дома. Все в порядке, чтобы рассердиться, расстроено, раздражено, разочаровано или грустно. Эти чувства естественны, но именно так вы справляетесь с ними, что делает разницу. Разрешение конфликта - шаг за шагом. Тогда скажите, что вас действительно беспокоит. Выполняя это, смотрите, как вы выражаете себя. Не обвиняйте и не обвиняйте. Расскажите, как вы себя чувствуете, используя инструкции

Знаете кто такой герой? Это тот, кто, рискуя своей жизнью людям. Он должен быть смелым, честным, справедливым и добрым.

Я  считаю героями людей, которые подарили ценой своей жизни нам свободную и спокойную жизнь – это люди ветераны. Вы лишь представьте, сколько они перетерпели за эти ужасные годы войны. Голодные, раненые, они сражались за будущее нашей страны. Они бросили свои семьи, своих жен, детей, матерей, и ушли воевать. Многие  не возвратились домой. Многие вернулись ранеными  и незначительное количество живыми и невредимыми. Эти герои уходили на войну кто в 15 лет, кто в 25 а кто и в 50.

Know who is the hero? It is he who, risking their lives, helped people. He must be brave, honest, fair and kind.
I think heroes of the people, who gave her own life to us free and peaceful life is people are veterans. You only imagine what they endured during those terrible years of war. Hungry, wounded, they fought for the future of our country. They threw their families, their wives, children, mothers, and went to war. Many did not return home. Many returned wounded and a small number of alive and unharmed. These heroes went to war, who at the age of 15 who are 25 or 50.
 Hello, Jake. Thanks for your letter! As soon as I have received it I start writing to you. Our teachers also discuss the issues of choosing our future job in thelessons. As for me  I am interested in a job of lawyer, because it is interesting and I like helping people. I agree with that we have to choose our future occupation according to our likes and dislikes. And  we also must take into consideration our personal qualities. For example, if you don’t like children you’d better stop thinking about becoming a teacher. By the way, Why are you  going to take a gap year before going to the university? What are you going to do?  Are you going to travel?
Best regards, (твое имя и твоя фамилия)

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Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don't know how to deal with anger and conflict. conflict is part of everyone's life. it will show up at conflict is part of everyone's life. school, at work and at home. it's ok to fell angry frustrated, annoyed, disappointed or sad. these feelings are natural, but it's how you deal with them that makes the difference. resolving conflict is a step by step process. then, say what's really bothering you. while doing that, watch how you express yourself. don't blame or accuse. share how you feel by using "i" statements. как читается по !
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