
Хэлп open the brackets. put the pronouns in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. i want (you) to tell me the truth. 2. our teacher made (we) learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her. 3. my father doesn't let (i) go out in the evening. it's not fair! 4. i heard (she) open the door, but i pretended to be asleep. 5. the browns are not at home tonight. mike saw (they) leave earlier.6. i would like (he) to be my friend, but he is too cool. 7. susan expected (it) to start this morning.

Английский язык



1. i want you to tell me the truth.2. our teacher made us learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her.3. my father doesn't let me go out in the evening. it's not fair! 4. i heard she open the door, but i pretended to be asleep.5. the browns are not at home tonight. mike saw them leave earlier.6. i would like him to be my friend, but he is too cool.7. susan expected it to start this morning.


1 you

2 us

3 me

4 her

5 them

6 him

7 it

  когда вы хотите купить что либо, вы идете в магазин или на рынок. некоторые люди любят шопинг, другие нет. но все из них ходят за покупками время от времени.  в британии обычно покупают еду сделанную у пекарей, мясников, в магазинах сладостей или у зеленщиков. если вам нужен или сахар или рис, идите к бакалейщику. если вам нужна рыба, идите к торговцу рыбой. в молочной вы можете купить молочные продукты, такие как молоко или сливки.  но в наши дни шопинг в супермаркетах все более и более популярен, потому что это удобно, поскольку они работают на систему самообслуживания. например, вы ходите по магазину и выбираете что вам нужно. вы не помещаете товары в свою сумку, пока не оплатили их. вы можете использовать тележки. на выходе вы платите за все ваши товары на кассе.супермаркеты не закрываются на обед. если вы путешествуете по британии, вы должны знать некоторые покупательские привычки в этой стране. например, вы должны помнить, что рыбные магазины закрыты по понедельникам. вы должны знать, что распродажа популярна среди британских покупателей.они проводятся два раза в год магазинами и универмагами, чтобы избавится от старых запасов.  супермаркет sainsbury's - лидер в продаже еды и напитков. это супермаркет для богатых людей, которые делают покупки раз в неделю, или даже раз в месяц.  супермаркет tasco's тоже лидер. но у них другой образ. они товары по сниженым ценам.  bhs представляет собой группу больших магазинов, главным образом одежду, но и еду и другие товары для дома.  покупка одежды в британии большая проблема для европейца, потому что у них другая система размеров. готовую одежду универмаги в лондоне обычно употребляю оба британский и европейский размеры на ярлыках.  есть некоторые традиции шопинга в британии. мамы обычно покупают одежду для своих маленких детей, но британские подростки покупают одежду сами себе. британцы обычно покупают еду один раз в неделю. в магазин за едой, в большинстве британских семей, как правило, ходят мамы.   не забудьте, что британцы часто используют " ". как и "", помните, что в британии в неформальной обстановке и в некоторых магазинах, многие люди вместо этого говорят "cheers".

Today, one of the main objects of study of space science is the planet Mars. A brief description will help you understand why it is so interesting. The main reason for the close attention of scientists is the hope of finding living organisms there, and hence the conditions for life. Over the past two centuries, there have been many problems on Earth: air, water and soil pollution, climate change, natural disasters, overpopulation, not to mention the threat of nuclear war. All this made people wonder if we can save the Earth for life, and if not, we need to look for a new home, which could be Mars.

General information about Mars

In our Solar system, Mars is the fourth most distant from the Sun, and the seventh in size. This is the nearest planet to us. Its approximate

the age is 4.5 billion years, like other planets in our Galaxy.

The planet got its name due to its bright red color. In Ancient Greece and Rome, red was associated with blood and war, so the name was given in honor of the God of war – Mars.

On closer inspection, the color of the surface of Mars is more orange than red. This shade occurs due to the high content of iron oxide. Scientists suggest that contact with oxygen led to the oxidation of iron, and strong dust storms eventually spread rusty particles across the surface.

The planet Mars brief description

The planet Mars brief description

Physical parameters of Mars

Mars is about half the size of Earth, with an average radius of approximately 3390 km (6370 km for Earth). Because of this, gravity is also much less – only 38% of the earth's. This gravity will seem more comfortable to a person, since the feeling of their own weight will decrease by 62%.

Like all the planets in our Galaxy, Mars orbits the Sun in an ellipse. A more elongated shape in comparison with the earth's orbit moves Mars a greater distance from the Sun, which affects several parameters of the planet. First, the length of the Martian year is about twice the length of the earth year (668 Martian days versus 365 earth days), despite the fact that the average day length of both planets is almost the same. Secondly, on Mars, there are large temperature jumps throughout the year: from +20 to -120°.

The great distance from the Sun makes Mars a predominantly cold planet. The average temperature is approximately -60°, which is why there is no liquid water on the surface, but there are large deposits of ice. Scientists hope that liquid water still exists, but is located deep in the crevices.

Structure Of Mars

Scientists can only guess what is the structure of Mars based on data from the orbiting spacecraft, study of meteorites and the experience of studying other planets. There is reason to believe that Mars, like Earth, has a three-layer structure:

The core. Most likely, most of the core is iron, sulfur, and Nickel. Knowledge about the density of the planet and the strength of the magnetic field allows us to think that the core of Mars is solid and much smaller than the earth, about 2000 km.

The mantle is similar in composition to Earth's. It may contain radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium, and potassium. Their decay heats the mantle to 1500°.

The crust of Mars is heterogeneous in thickness: the layer increases from the Northern hemisphere to the southern. It is mainly composed of volcanic basalt.

Comparison of the structure of Mars and other terrestrial planets

Comparison of the structure of Mars and other terrestrial planets

Surface features

Thanks to robotic vehicles sent to Mars, it was possible to make a detailed map of it. As it turned out, the surface of Mars is very similar to Earth. There are plains and mountains, crevices and volcanoes.


Most of Mars, and especially its Northern hemisphere, is covered by desert low-lying plains. One of them is considered the largest lowland in the entire Solar system, and its relative smoothness may be a consequence of the presence of water here in the distant past.


A whole network of canyons covers

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Хэлп open the brackets. put the pronouns in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. i want (you) to tell me the truth. 2. our teacher made (we) learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her. 3. my father doesn't let (i) go out in the evening. it's not fair! 4. i heard (she) open the door, but i pretended to be asleep. 5. the browns are not at home tonight. mike saw (they) leave earlier.6. i would like (he) to be my friend, but he is too cool. 7. susan expected (it) to start this morning.
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