Ok. today i want to tell you about my pet – Barsik. He is a cat. He has got red coat color. Barsik has got brown eyes. his fur(шёрстка) is very soft(мягкая) and fluffy(пушистая). My cat loves to be caressed(ласкаться) and stroked(гладить). Barsik also like to play with some toys.Cat likes to eat dry food, fresh meat and fish. Barsik drinks water and sometimes milk.
Barsik is very kind(добрый) and sweet(милый).
P.S. sweet можно заменить на cute(тоже как милый переводится).
не знаю что есть твой кот, поэтому написала так. если хочешь, можешь изменить что нибудь. вот ещё пример кошачьей еды:
паштет – pate
рагу мясное – meat stew
сметана – sour-cream
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Опираясь на 1 задние слелайте второе
Present Perfect
1) I have never been to Italy.
2) Have you done your homework already?
3) I haven't phoned my friend yet.
4) My friend have just visited me.
Present Simple
1)I usually get up at 6 o'clock.
2) Do you like coffee with milk?
3) I don't want to stay at home all weekends.
4) When does the show start?
Past Simple
1)I was at school till 4 o'clock yesterday.
2)Where did you spend your holidays?
3)Nick didn't come to school last friday
4)Kate didn't called her mother, but sent the message.
Present Continuous
1)I am writing a letter at the moment
2)Is she sending a card now?
3)I am not reading a book now.
4)Fred is working in his office now. Present Continuous1)I am leaving on Sunday.
2)They are arriving tomorrow.
3)I am doing this next week.
Past Perfect
1)I called Jim too late, he had already left.
2)After the Sun had set, we saw thousands of fireflies.
3)We had lived in Paris for 12 years before we moved to America.
Future Simple
1)He will not win.
2)We will take a taxi.
3)I will go to London a few times next year