My cat
I want to tell you about my cat. Its name is Vasya. It is 2 years old. My cat is furry, black with white spots. It has bright green eyes and very long whiskers. Vasya is a very handsome cat but it has a tiger’s character. My cat is stubborn, proud and cunning. Its favorite things are sleeping, eating, playing and looking through the window. I like lying with Vasya on a sofa and listening to his purrs. My cat likes when I caress it.
I saw a small and helpless kitten about 2 years ago when I was going home from school. It was alone and shouts loudly. I took the kitten and brought it home. Since then the kitten has lived in my family and everyone loves it. My family believes that Vasya is a member of our family.
Vasya is my best friend. I love it very much.
Я хочу рассказать вам про моего кота. Его зовут Вася. Ему 2 года. Он пушистый, черный с белыми пятнами. У него ярко зелёные глаза и очень длинные усы. Он очень красивый кот. Вася имеет характер тигра. Он упрямый, гордый и хитрый кот. Его любимые занятия спать, есть, играть и смотреть в окно. Я люблю лежать с Васей на диване и слушать как он мурлыкает. Он любит, когда я его глажу.
Я увидела маленького и бес котенка около 2 лет назад, когда шла домой из школы. Он был один и громко кричал. Я взяла котенка и отнесла его домой. С тех пор этот котенок живет в моей семье и его все любят. Моя семья считает Васю членом нашей семьи.
Вася мой самый лучший друг. Я люблю его очень сильно.
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Robotics is one of the most important areas of information technology and scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics are in contact with the problems of control and artificial intelligence. Being an integral discipline, robotics requires developers to have knowledge and skills in such areas as: mechanics, electronics, programming, project management. As a result, robotics differs from a narrow specialist in broad horizons and systemic thinking.
We all know that in most cases modern robots are designed to perform the same work. Robots also include devices that work in environments that are difficult for humans and controlled remotely, for example, works that perform work at great depths, in space, devices for delivering shells, etc., as well as robotic toys.
The robot can directly obey the operator’s commands, can work according to a pre-compiled program, or follow a set of general directions using artificial intelligence technology. These tasks make it possible to facilitate or completely replace human labor in production, in construction, when working with heavy loads, hazardous materials, and also in other difficult or dangerous conditions for humans.
We must understand that people tend to overestimate the effect of the latest technologies in the near future and underestimate their impact on the distant future. But this does not negate the fact that we need a roadmap for the development of innovative industries in the foreseeable future. Here are some important discoveries in the field of robotics that greatly simplify human life.
1) The robot scientist made a real discovery for the first time (the British robot himself makes assumptions, concocts experiments to test them and draws conclusions)
2) Found a method for self-assembly of damaged or collapsed robots
3) A prototype exoskeleton has been developed that multiplies human strength by 20 times
4) Active research is underway on the possible emotionality of robots
5) The experiments of British scientists on the self-reproduction of robots were successfully completed (the robot was able to recreate an exact copy of itself, and she, in turn, began to make the "grandson" of the first robot).
Conducted research and analysis of the current state of problems shows that: modern applied methods and artificial intelligence technologies can be used for robots. Modeling robotics devices are quite convenient to use. The aim of the work is to study the possibility of using new artificial intelligence algorithms and path finding algorithms in the process of constructing the work of robots.