
Сочинение на тему "importance of music in your life", 10 предложений. ​

Английский язык



Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. There are so many kinds of music nowadays, including rap, hip-hop, rock-n-roll, dance, classical, opera, alternative, drum & bass, techno, rock, metal, jazz, reggae, blues, etc. I like nearly all these types. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. Sometimes my teacher takes us to classical concerts or operas, which I also enjoy. When there is a school disco I like dancing at rap and techno music. Once or twice I went to a jazz concert, which I thought was marvelous. At the moment my favourite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favourite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. Reggae is another style I follow and my all-time favourite singer is Bob Marley. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.

Задание 1
1. Мой дом старше твоего дома.
2. Кейт моя лучшая подруга.
3. Он не так умён, как его брат.
4. Розы - самые красивые цветы.

Задание 2
small - large
wet - dry
cheap - expensive
long - short
neat - messy

Задание 3
1. I am stronger than my friend.
2. My father is older than my mom.
3. Anna is the best pupil in our form.
4. Summer is the warmest season.

Задание 1
1 - messy, sad, popular
2 - faster, uglier, better, taller, bigger
3 - the largest, the happiest

Задание 2
джинсы, свитер, перчатки, туфли, кроссовки, штаны, костюм, шарф, шляпа, носки

Задание 3
1. this
2. those/these (оба подходят)
3. those/these (тоже подходит и то, и то)
4. that

Задание 4
1) b
2) a

Задание 5
1. now
2. every day
3. in the morning
4. at the moment
I woke up at seven and got up at once. I began my day with my morning exercises. It took me half an hour to do them. Then I took a shower and shaved, dressed and did my hair. After that I had breakfast. Then I took my dog out for a short time. I left the house at nine o'clock and walked to the underground station. It took me twenty minutes to get to the office by underground. Work began at half past nine. I looked through the morning mail and answered the letters and faxes. Then I discussed various problems with my collegues.

Our lunch break was at one, and we all went to the canteen. I had a light lunch, so it didn't take long, and I had enough time to have a smoke and talk to my friends before work began again. A lot of people rang me in the afternoon, and my secretary asked me to answer the calls. That kept me busy till half past four, when I had a tea break. After that I held a short meeting with my collegues, and we discussed our plans for the day. I finished work at six, and sometimes a friend drove me to the park, where we had a game of tennis. I was quite good at tennis, so I taught him to play. We went home together because we lived near each other. That was my usual weekday.

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