
Сочинение про коронавирус на английском языке.150слов​

Английский язык



Европейский центр профилактики и контроля заболеваний контролирует ближневосточный коронавирус респираторного синдрома.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is monitoring the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.

Таким инфекциям, как коронавирус, в настоящее время противостоят с вакцин, разработанных таким образом, чтобы блокировать их.

An infection such as the coronavirus is currently countered with a vaccine tailored to block it.

Кошачий коронавирус может вызвать заболевания органов брюшной полости кошек со смертельным исходом, а штамм куриного коронавируса вызывает, скорее, болезнь почек, чем бронхит.

The cat coronavirus can cause lethal abdominal disease in cats, while some strains of the chicken coronavirus cause kidney disease rather than just bronchitis.

Предварительные анализы показали, что это определенно не коронавирус.

Prelim results says it's definitely not Middle East respiratory syndrome.

Атипичная пневомония, коронавирус МЕРС... брюшной тиф, Эбола.

SARS, MERS... typhoid fever, Ebola.

Но давно известно, что коронавирус вызывает серьёзные болезни у домашних животных.

But we have long known that coronaviruses can cause dreadful diseases in domestic animals.

Оксана Анна

I would like to share my opinion with you about these pictures. Most likely this is a recipe of Uzbeks traditional food called Plov. I want to notice that it is popular in other countries too. The pictures perfectly show you the tutorial of cooking this meal. Firstly, you must buy some meat, some garlic and many onions. Some people even cad add few carrots, but it is for an amateur, at least I think so. You have to wash your meat before cutting it, because who know where that meat was. Also don't forget to peel all of these vegetables, to clear it from litter and etc. I'm not really good at cooking, so I can't describe you the preparing process of this meal, but still I'm done with my text.


1. This is A map.

2. THE Kama river is not long.

3. There are many MEN

in the room. (мужчин)

4. (мамина сумка).MOTHER'S BAG

5. Как произносится по-английски 1985? NINETEEN EIGHTY-FIVE

6. Do you live HERE? /WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (Исправьте ошибку).

7. My brother is TALLER thаn уоurs. (высокий)

8. Helen LIKES to play computer games. (нравится)

9. Dоеѕ уоur sister PLAY thе guitar? (Исправьте ошибку).

10. We DIDN'T read the text yesterday. (Исправьте ошибку).

11.Where did you HAVE breakfast? (Исправьте ошибку).

12.Mary WILL GO to the library tomorrow. (Исправьте ошибку).

13.Will she study French? No, she WON'T. (Исправьте ошибку).

14.Is there a pen on the table? Yes, THERE iѕ. (Исправьте ошибку).

15.I'm sorry, I'm late. MAY I come in? (Исправьте ошибку).

16. What is your name? MY name is Bob. (Исправьте ошибку).

17.Have you got a pen? No, I HAVEN'T. (Исправьте ошибку).

18.Look at US, please. (Исправьте ошибку).

19.How many parts does the UK consist of? FOUR

20.What holiday is celebrated in the US at the end of November? ?THANKSGIVING DAY

21. The native speakers of Eglish live in India and AUSTRALIA. (Исправьте


22. Why does Santa make 2 lists for Christmas? It's just a tradition.

One list is for well- behaved children, and the other is for naughty children.

23.London is THE capital of ENGLAND.

London is A capital of WALES.(Исправьте ошибку).

24.Glasgow is one of the main cities in SCOTLAND. (Исправьте ошибку).

25.Shakespeare was born in ENGLAND. (Исправьте ошибку).

26.Shakespeare wrote рlауѕ аnd ѕоnnеtѕ.

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Сочинение про коронавирус на английском языке.150слов​
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