Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Необходимо завершить второе предложение так, чтобы оно было похоже на 1 1.Chemistry is not guite as interesting as Biology for me Chemestry is almost ... as Biology for me 2.A SUV is not guite as big as a minivan A minivan slightly ... SUV 3. Small mice are a good deal more terrifying than rats for my Mother. Small mice are far ... than rats for my mother. 4. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is much higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is a good deal ... than Eiffel Tower in Paris. 5. A snake is much longer than a lizzard. A lizzard is a lot less ... than a snake
Explanation: A server is needed to establish a connection to the internet. Without a server, Jason's computer will not be able to connect to the internet.
2) John cancelled his monthly subscription to his Internet Service Provider because the connection always failed.
Explanation: A monthly subscription is a payment that John makes to his Internet Service Provider in order to have access to the internet. If the connection always fails, it makes sense for John to cancel his subscription.
3) I've run out of space.
Explanation: "Run out of space" means that I don't have any more storage available. It is likely referring to the storage space on a computer or device.
4) If your monitor turns blue and there are some codes in white, try to reboot.
Explanation: When a computer monitor turns blue and displays white codes, it is often an indication of an error or problem. Rebooting the computer can help fix the issue by restarting the system and clearing any temporary glitches.
In summary, the correct words to complete the sentences are:
1) server
2) subscription
3) hard disc
4) reboot