
III. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 12 They are judging the competition now. 13. They informed Kevin this morning. IV. Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers. 14. Ann worked at this factory last year. 15. They play the guitar every Sunday. VII. Put 5 questions to the sentence. Some people will use echoed speech in a delayed way. 36. General questions. 37. Special question. 38. Disjunctive question. 39. Alternative question. 40. Subject question with who or what Task 3. Rephrase using correct modal verbs (may, might, could, must, can’t) and the appropriate Infinitive to speculate about the present, past and future: 1. Perhaps the price of petrol will risein the next few months. 2. There’s a lot of noise from room 212. I’m sure they are having a party. 3. Perhaps, he knows the address of the company butit’s unlikely. 4. I’m sure she isn’t looking for a new job already. She only started work a week ago. 5. They arrived here earlythis morning. I’m sure they have been waiting for hours. 6. I’m not sure why the Ukrainian delegation wasn’t atthesa lesconference.Perhaps they were delay edatt heairport. 7. I’m sure you didn’t see Mr Green at the presentation, because he wa sin hospital att hat time. 8. I can’t gett hrough to our office in Kharkiv. Perhaps they are having problems with their fax machine. 9. Our lawyer thinks that perhaps it will take a long time tod rawup the contract. 10.Perhaps hew ill bepromoted later, but I doubtit.

Английский язык



ответ:A typical Russian hut is a national culture. Russian huts are usually wooden. The stove is usually in the Russian hut. People can lie on the stove, because it's very warm. People can lie near the stove, so as not to frost. Many pictures usually hang in the Russian hut. Many dried vegetables usually hang in a Russian hut. Skins of dead animals can hang on the walls of the Russian hut. A huge table is usually located in the middle of the hut. National costumes can also hang on the walls of the Russian hut.

1) Бадминтон; Баскетбол; Бейсбол; Бокс; Борьба вольная; Борьба греко-римская; Тяжелая атлетика; Велосипедный спорт трек; Велосипедный спорт шоссе; Велосипедный спорт маунтенбайк; Гребля академическая; Гребля на байдарках и каноэ; Гребной слалом;Парусный спорт; Водное поло; Волейбол; Волейбол пляжный; Гандбол; Гимнастика спортивная; Гимнастика художественная; Дзюдо и многие другие. 2) Баскетбол — спортивная командная игра с мячом, в которой мяч забрасывают руками в корзину (кольцо) соперника. Баскетбол — один из самых популярных видов спорта в мире. Баскетбол входит в программу Олимпийских игр с 1936 года (изобретатель игры Джеймс Нейсмит был там в качестве гостя). Футбол - один из самых старых командных видов спорта. Так же думали во многих странах мира, с воодушевлением пинали мяч и везде называли эту игру по-своему. До сих пор ведутся споры о том, кто первым придумал футбол, но широкое распространение игра получила примерно в XIX веке в Англии. Этому колонизация: Британская империя завоевывала все новые государства, которые перенимали культуру, привычки и, конечно же, игры Туманного Альбиона

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

III. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 12 They are judging the competition now. 13. They informed Kevin this morning. IV. Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers. 14. Ann worked at this factory last year. 15. They play the guitar every Sunday. VII. Put 5 questions to the sentence. Some people will use echoed speech in a delayed way. 36. General questions. 37. Special question. 38. Disjunctive question. 39. Alternative question. 40. Subject question with who or what Task 3. Rephrase using correct modal verbs (may, might, could, must, can’t) and the appropriate Infinitive to speculate about the present, past and future: 1. Perhaps the price of petrol will risein the next few months. 2. There’s a lot of noise from room 212. I’m sure they are having a party. 3. Perhaps, he knows the address of the company butit’s unlikely. 4. I’m sure she isn’t looking for a new job already. She only started work a week ago. 5. They arrived here earlythis morning. I’m sure they have been waiting for hours. 6. I’m not sure why the Ukrainian delegation wasn’t atthesa lesconference.Perhaps they were delay edatt heairport. 7. I’m sure you didn’t see Mr Green at the presentation, because he wa sin hospital att hat time. 8. I can’t gett hrough to our office in Kharkiv. Perhaps they are having problems with their fax machine. 9. Our lawyer thinks that perhaps it will take a long time tod rawup the contract. 10.Perhaps hew ill bepromoted later, but I doubtit.
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