
Conditionals 0-1-2-3 types 1. I’ll look for your book and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring. 2. If you put the ice cubes into very hot water, they (crack 3.If he (win), he (get) 100, 000 dollars; if he (come) in second, he (get) 50, ooo. 4.If he (want) more money, he (have) to do more work. 5.If you (not take) this book to the library tomorrow, you (have) to pay a fine. 6.If you (like), I (get) you a job in this company. 7.If the weather (be) good, we (go) to the country. 8.I (tell) him the whole truth if I (know) it.

Английский язык



1. Are students listening to the lecturer?

The students are don't listening to the lecturer.

2. Us professor N. at last lecture was encouraging us to ask questions?

At last lecture professor N. don't was encouraging us to ask questions.

3. Is our programmer developing a new teacher training computer program?

Our programmer is don't developing a new teacher training.

4. Were they repairing computer when he entered the computer class?

They don't were repairing computer when he entered the computer class.

5. Were they working all day yesterday?

They don't were working all day yesterday.

6. Are teachers discussing merits and demerits of the new approach in language teaching?

Teachers are don't discussing merits and demerits of the new approach in language teaching.

7. Is the Prime Minister will be staying three days in France?

The Prime Minister don't will be staying three days in France.

Для меня идеальным мир был если бы все действительно относились друг к другу как к родным,что бы мы все были на едине с природой.
Вообще наш мир сам по себе и так идеальный.
Исправлятся нужно нам.Мы сами испортили себе жизнь,что теперь вынуждены учиться,учить то что заставляют,работать и т.д
мы не создали идеального мира для себя,а он есть.
Идеальный мир должен быть таким что можно было наслаждатся этой жизнью,быть с миром,учится и развивать в себе хорошее,самосовершенствоватся,быть вместе с высочайщим,вот это дааа

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Conditionals 0-1-2-3 types 1. I’ll look for your book and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring. 2. If you put the ice cubes into very hot water, they (crack 3.If he (win), he (get) 100, 000 dollars; if he (come) in second, he (get) 50, ooo. 4.If he (want) more money, he (have) to do more work. 5.If you (not take) this book to the library tomorrow, you (have) to pay a fine. 6.If you (like), I (get) you a job in this company. 7.If the weather (be) good, we (go) to the country. 8.I (tell) him the whole truth if I (know) it.
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Zhanibekrva Kandaurova