1 When is Victoria station especially busy? -- Victoria station is especially busy at Christmas time 2 How many platforms does Victoria station consist of? – Victoria station consists of seventeen platforms. 3 Can the passengers have a snack at Victoria station before their train starts? – Yes, they can. There is a refreshment room. 4 Is it possible for the passengers to buy something to read on the journey? – Yes, there is a bookstall where they can buy a paper or magazine. 5 Do the passengers have to carry their luggage themselves? – No, they don’t. There are porters to carry their luggage 6 How do the porters usually carry the luggage? – The porters usually push the luggage on their trucks 7 Where do the passengers buy train tickets? – They buy tickets at the station 8 Is there anyone to check the tickets? – There is a ticket collector 9 Where does the ticket collector stand? -- The ticket collector stands at the end of the platform. 10 When does the train start? – The train starts when the signal goes down
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переделайте в косвенную речь "How much did the DVD cost?" asked my teacher. "Where are they going tomorrow?" asked the travel agent. "How did you get back so late?" asked my Granny. "Why are you going to stay here so long?" asked my Mum. "Where is the British Museum?" asked the tourist.