In Great Britain and the USA people have very interesting life. They have a lot of holidays, festivals, and traditions so I am going to describe how they celebrate them. Well, in the USA the most important holiday is thanksgiving day. It celebrates at fourth Thursday of Nobember, and from this day holiday season usually starts, that include Christmas and New Year. The main tradition is to prepare stuffed Turkey with cranberry syrup and a large sweet pumpkin pie on this holiday. Well, in Britain you can celebrate Boxing Day in the 26th of December. It's nomal to give presents to each other and to visit sport events together with your family. All in all, It's clear that GB and the USA are very interesting countries with wonderful culture.
Тимур Андраниковна634
Who (кто, который, которая) - используется по отношению к людям. I see a boy WHO is drawing ( Я вижу мальчика, который рисует - WHO употребляется по отношению к мальчику) Which - употребляется по отношению к неодушевленным предметам и животным. I dont know which book to read ( Я не знаю, какую книгу мне почитать - WHICH употребляется по отношению к книге) Whose - переводится как ''чей'', ''чья'' , как и WHO используется, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию о предмете, например, чтобы узнать кому принадлежит эта книга. Whose book is this?
1 саn , could not
2 can't ,
3 could
4 can
5 could
6 could not, can
7 can't
8 could