
Complete sentences with since or for

Английский язык


1. for
2. for
3. since
4. since
5. for

Скелет человека

bone — кость

jaw ['ʤɔ:] — челюсть

joint — сустав

rib — ребро

skeleton — скелет

skull — череп

spine — позвоночник

Органы человека

brain — мозг

gallbladder — желчный пузырь

heart ['hɑ:t] — сердце

kidney — почка

large intestine / colon — толстый кишечник

liver ['livə] — печень

lungs — легкие

pancreas ['pæŋkriəs] — поджелудочная железа

skin — кожа

small intestines [in'testins] — тонкий кишечник

spinal chord — спинной мозг

spleen — селезенка

stomach ['stʌmək] — желудок

urinal bladder — мочевой пузырь


cheek — щека

cheekbones — скулы

chin — подбородок

ear — ухо

eye ['aɪ] — глаз

eyebrow / brow [braʊ] — бровь

eyelid / lid — веко

eyelash / lash — ресница

forehead ['fɔrɪd] (BrE) / [for'hed] (AmE) — лоб

hair — волос, волосы

head — голова

iris — радужная оболочка глаза

lip — губа

mouth — рот

nape, back of the head — затылок

nose — нос

nostril — ноздря

pupil — зрачок

tongue ['tʌŋ] — язык

tooth (мн. ч.: teeth ) — зуб(ы)


back — спина

belly — живот

breast — грудь (грудная железа)

buttocks — ягодицы

chest — грудь (грудная клетка)

genitals — половые органы

navel ['neɪvl] / belly button — пуп, пупок

neck — шея

pelvis — таз

shoulder — плечо

waist — талия


arm — рука (от кисти до плеча)

armpit — подмышка

elbow — локоть

hand — рука (кисть)

finger — палец (руки)

thumb ['θʌm] — большой палец руки

index finger — указательный палец руки

middle finger — средний палец руки

ring finger — безымянный палец руки

little finger — мизинец, маленький палец руки

fist — кулак

knuckle ['nʌkl] — сустав пальца

nail — ноготь

palm — ладонь

wrist — запястье


ankle ['æŋkl] — лодыжка

calf ['kɑ:f] (множественное число: calves) — икра (ноги)

heel — пятка

hip — бедро, бок (наружная сторона таза и верхней части ноги)

foot (мн. ч.: feet ) — ступня, нога (ниже щиколотки)

knee ['ni:] — колено

leg — нога (от бедра до ступни)

thigh ['θaɪ] — бедро (от таза до колена)

toe ['təu] — палец ноги

big toe — большой палец ноги

little toe — мизинец ноги

shin / shank — голень

Кровеносная, нервная система

artery — артерия

blood ['blʌd] — кровь

nerve [nɜːv] — нерв

vein [veɪn] — вена

vessel — (кровеносный) сосуд


Among all the authors I have read, there is one whom I love most, whose works for me are the standard of classics, whose works I am familiar with literally from childhood, and still I discover more and more of his works. My the most a favorite the author-this the great A. S. Pushkin.

Even in early childhood, my mother read me Pushkin's fairy tales. I had a beautiful big book with illustrations, which I always carried with me. My most favorite fairy tales were: "the Tale of the fisherman and the fish", "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" and "the Tale of the dead Princess and the seven heroes."

When I grew up I began to read poems and novels of Pushkin. I cannot single out my most favorite work from the legacy of Pushkin. But there are works that I reread, for example: "captain's daughter", "Queen of spades", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky" and "Eugene Onegin".

I sympathize with the heroes of Pushkin, I like their characters, their perseverance, they are very strong personalities, they steadfastly endure all the trials of fate, it can not but admire, I also would like to have such strength of mind as the heroes of Pushkin.

I also like to read the lyrics created by Pushkin. His poems are very diverse, they affect a variety of serious problems, for example the problems of the state system in Russia or the problems of a small person. Pushkin masterfully creates a description of landscapes and people, readers can feel the whole atmosphere, which is described in the work, we empathize with the heroes, rejoice with them.

Pushkin is the basis of all Russian literature. Even M. Lermontov at the beginning of his career imitated his favorite idol.

Pushkin's legacy will live forever, it will never be forgotten. Children and adults are still reading his works, I believe that the next generation will also honor and read the great Russian writer and poet.

Source: Essay My favourite writer, the poet Pushkin

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