
1. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме, переведите предложения1. A train is than a bus.2. This story is the of all.3. I was ill last week but today I am4. This bag is small for me. Show me a one.5. What is the thing in life?6. A crocodile is than a water snake.7. Ann is the girl in our class.2. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень при лагательных.Big –Fat –Wet –Interesting-Serious –Sweet –Good –Bad –Far –3. Переведите предложения на английский1. Маша – лучшая ученица в школе.2. Я считаю, что китайский язык сложнее, чем английский.3. Я надеюсь, что завтра погода будет лучше.4. Катя старше, чем ее брат.5. Мой телефон дороже, чем твой.​

Английский язык




A train is cheaper than a bus.

This text is the biggest of all.

I was ill last week but today I am better.

Park street is longer than Market Street.

This jacket is small for me. Show me a bigger one.

What is the hardest thing in life?

A crocodile is bigger than a water snake.

Helen is the prettiest girl in our class.


Jill is a far more intelligent person than my brother.

Kate was the most practical of the family.

Greg felt worse yesterday than the day before.

This wine is the best I have ever tasted.

Jack was the tallest of the two. Jack is the cleverest of the three brothers.

If you need any further information, please contact our head office.

The sinking of Titanic is one of the most famous shipwreck stories of all time. Please, send the books back without further delay.

The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the richest in the world.

Could you come a bit earlier tomorrow?

I like this song better than the previous one.

Which of this two performances did you enjoy more?

The fire was put out more quickly than we expected.

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ответ:1)bigger, следующий не знаю,это тоже не знаю,это тоже не знаю,не знаю,bigger good.

2)bigger,fatter, wetter, interested, seriously, sweeter, gooders, badly, farry

3)Masha is a good girl in class

2и 3 не знаю ,Kate is bigger than her brother ,My phone is more expensive than yours




volcano: A huge volcano erupted in Italy last week.

narrow street: I was walking down this narrow street and bumpde into a few people on my way.

full of: Ocean is full of mysteries and secrets.

forum: We hope these pages act as a forum for debate.

temple: Over the years many buddhist temples were built in Japan.

public baths: While public bathing may not be so popular anymore there are still plenty of public baths around the world.

destroy: Humanity may be a blessing for the planet but it also destroys it as the years go by.



Monday, November 1st — понедельник, 1 ноября

It was a sunny day. — Был солнечный день.

We walked by the side of the river. — Мы гуляли по берегу реки.

There were lots of birds. — Было много птиц.

I was so happy! — Я была так счастлива!

Tuesday, November 2nd — Вторник, 2 Ноября

It was rainy and windy. — Было дождливо и ветрено.

We walked in the forest and we didn’t see any animals. — Мы гуляли в лесу, и мы не видели каких-либо животных.

My socks and shoes were wet. — Мои носки и ботинки были мокрые.

I was so tired. — Я была такой уставшей.

Was it a sunny day on Monday? Yes, it was. — Был ли это солнечный день в понедельник? Да.

Where did they walk? They walked by the side of the river. – Где они гуляли? Они гуляли по берегу реки.

Were there lots of birds? Yes, there were. – Там было много птиц? Да.

Was she happy? Yes, she was. — Была ли она счастлива? Да.

Where did they walk? They walked in the forest. – Где они гуляли? Они гуляли в лесу.

Was it rainy and windy? Yes, it was. — Было дождливо и ветрено? Да.

Were her socks and shoes wet? Yes, they were. — Ее носки и ботинки были мокрые? Да.

Was she tired? Yes, she was. — Она устала? Да.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Вставьте прилагательное в нужной форме, переведите предложения1. A train is than a bus.2. This story is the of all.3. I was ill last week but today I am4. This bag is small for me. Show me a one.5. What is the thing in life?6. A crocodile is than a water snake.7. Ann is the girl in our class.2. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень при лагательных.Big –Fat –Wet –Interesting-Serious –Sweet –Good –Bad –Far –3. Переведите предложения на английский1. Маша – лучшая ученица в школе.2. Я считаю, что китайский язык сложнее, чем английский.3. Я надеюсь, что завтра погода будет лучше.4. Катя старше, чем ее брат.5. Мой телефон дороже, чем твой.​
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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