1. How many languages do the people living in Melbourne speak?
2. Children must drink much milk.
3. Why he must work so much?
4. There wasn't much happiness in his face.
5. Not many new ideas were discussed.
6. We shan't have many lessons tomorrow.
7. I won't have many mistakes in this exercise.
8. We didn't take much food with us.
9. There aren't many new subjects this year.
10. I haven't much free time today.
11. He doesn't do many written exercises every day.
12. We don't drink much coffee in our family.
13. There isn't much furniture in my room.
14. I don't take much money to school.
15. There are many new houses in the street.
16. There are not many shops in our street.
17. Don't put much sugar in my tea.
18. Do not drink much coffee in the evening.
19. There is much snow in winter in Russia.
20. He does not eat much.
1. the "big ben" clock weighs 13.5 tons.-*биг бен* весит 13,5 тонны.
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в present indefinite- weighs
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного- tons
2. most of london's places of interest are situated to the north of the river thames.-многие места лондона расположены к северу от реки темзы.
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного- london's
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного- places
3. hyde park covers 360 acres.- гайд парк охватывает 360 акров.
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в present indefinite- covers
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного- acres
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
с mach/many 1. Howlanguages do the people living in Melbourne speak? 2. Children must drink milk. 3. Why he must work so. 4. There wasn't happiness in his face. 5. Not new ideas were discussed. 6. We shan't have lessons tomorrow. 7. I won't have mistakes in this exercise. 8. We didn't take food with us. 9. There aren't new subjects this year. 10. I haven't free time today. 11. He doesn't do written exercises every day. 12. We don't drink ___ coffee in our family. 13. There isn't furniture in my room. 14. I don't take money to school. 15. There are new houses in the street. 16. There are not shops in our street. 17. Don't put sugar in my tea. 18. Do not drink coffee in the evening. 19. There is snow in winter in Russia. 20. He does not eat.
2.a lot of
10.got much