8 строчек Мартовский ветер) March wind is a jolly fellow; (Мартовский ветер весельчак;) He likes to joke and play. (Он любит шутить и играть.) He turns umbrellas inside out (Он выворачивает зонтики навыворот) And blows men's hats away. (И сдувает мужские шляпы прочь.) He calls the pussy willows (Он призывает вербные сережки) And whispers in each ear, (И шепчет в каждое ухо,) «Wake up you lazy little seeds; («Просыпайтесь, ленивые маленькие семена;) Don't you know that spring is here?» (Разве вы не знаете что весна пришла?»)
1. —Do you want to join us? — No, we don't. We are busy.2. — Does your clock show the right time? — No, it doesn't. It is fast. 3.How long does it usually take you to get home? — It takes me long. 4. What does this word mean? Does anyone know it? 5. Do your parents know about it? — My mother does, but my father doesn't 6. — Do pupils make many spelling mistakes? — Yes, they do 7. — Does anyone help you with housework? — Yes, my daughter does it when she is at home. 8. — Does your son like animals? —Yes, he does He is a vet (veterinarian).9. — Do your children go to school? — My son does, but my daughter doesn't She is only four years old
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