Нужно задание а так мы не можем заглянуть в твой телефон и посмотреть какое там задание жду задания
1. Does anybody mind if I open the window? 2. You must be hugry. Would you like something to eat? 3. Quick, let's go! There's somebody coming and I don't won't anybody to see. 4. Sally was upset by something and refused to listen to anything. 5. This machine is very easy to use. Anybody can learn to use it in a very short time. 6. Do you live somewhere near Jim? No, he lives in another part of town. 7. Sue is very secretive she never tells anybody anything. 8. I'm going out now. If somebody phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be beak at 1130?
Opening mikhail lomonosov enriched many branches of knowledge . developed atomic-molecular representation of the structure of matter . during the rule of the caloric theory maintained that heat due to the motion of corpuscles . formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion. foreclosed phlogiston number of chemical agents. laid the foundations of physical chemistry. researched atmospheric electricity and gravity. color theory put forward . created a number of optical devices. opened to the atmosphere venere.mihail lomonosov was born november 19, 1711 in the village denisovka ( now the village lomonosovo ) family of pomorie. at age 19, went to study ( from 1731 to the slavic-greek -latin academy in moscow, from 1735 at the academic university in st. petersburg , in 1736-41 in germany). since 1742 associate , 1745 academician of the petersburg academy of sciences .