Моя мама – самый дорогой человек для меня. Я её очень люблю. Люблю не за что-то, а так за то, что она у меня есть. Я очень горжусь и дорожу своей мамой. Ближе неё у меня никого нет. Мою маму зовут () . Она красивая. Люблю мамину улыбку и большие зелёные глаза, которые сверкают озорными огоньками, задорный смех и её руки, заботливые, тёплые, дорогие мне две ладошки. Моя мама очень добрая, хорошо ладит с людьми, все её уважают и любят. Она умеет поддержать в трудную минуту и согреть своей теплотой, когда иногда мне бывает грустно и горько.
My mother is the most precious person to me. I love her very much. I love it not for anything, but just for the fact that I have it. I am very proud and cherish my mother. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is () . She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, perky laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear to me two palms. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support me in difficult times and warm me with her warmth when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.
Bank of America, New York.
This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-storey building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. It also has solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from New York.
Bank of America, Нью-Йорк.
Это, вероятно, одно из самых "зеленых" зданий в мире. 54-этажное здание было построено таким образом, чтобы использовать естественный дневной свет как можно дольше. Так же здесь установлены панели солнечных батарей, сборники дождевой воды, а материалы для конструкции самого здания сделаны из переработанных отходов Нью-Йорка
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Summative assessment for the unit “Healthy Habits”Learning objectives Deduce meaning from context with little support in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics7.5.5.1 Develop with some support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics7.5.9.1 Punctuate written work at text level on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics with some accuracyAssessment criteria • Figure out the content of a conversation with some support in extended talk• Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres• Use punctuation marks in a piece of writingLevel of thinking skills ApplicationHigher order thinking skillsDuration 20 minutesReadingTask 1. Прочитайте диалог, ответьте на во в 1 части, выберите true/false во 2 части.A DIALOGUE ABOUT GAMESMARK: We might go to the football match next Saturday, Cristina.CRISTINA: Football? You must be joking. I can't stand it.MARK: No? Why not?CRISTINA: Oh, Mark, haven't you realised yet? Twenty-two men in shorts, running after a ball, trying to kick it into a net, a man blowing a whistle, two others waving flags… and thousands of people shouting and screaming like madmen every time it's a goal or not. Is this a game?MARK: I see… you prefer things like hopscotch, hide-and-seek, leap frog, blind man's buff…CRISTINA: Don't tease me, Mark. I'm not a child any more and there are much better sports than football.MARK: Really?CRISTINA: Yes, take volleyball, for example. It's so exciting, I'd say wonderful, the two teams trying to keep the ball in motion without letting it touch the ground. No foul play, no violence…MARK: Yes, maybe you're right. I like volleyball, too. For me all ball games are great!CRISTINA: Not only ball games, Mark. Don't you like badminton, cards, chess, even darts… and things like that?MARK: Er… of course I do. Especially if I can play it with you!CRISTINA: Oh Mark! This is not fair play…Part 11. What are Cristina and Mark talking about?2. On what day of the week are football games played in England? 3.What kind of sports and games does Cristina prefer?Part 21. Cristina likes football very much. True False2. Volleyball is a violent game True False3. Cristina likes football very much. True False_/6ПисьмоTask 2. Напишите эссе о здоровом образе жизни, используя вс фразы.Вступление: Какие привычки здорового образа жизни ты знаешь и какие из них самые важныеОсновная часть: is good for your Example makes better Example improves and you feel Example is good for your Example Заключение: Напиши свое мнение, почему привычки здорового образа жизни важны для человека:
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