
В & Q, broke the record set by Francis Joyon, who finished in 72 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, and 22 seconds in February 2004 Later, she told her team, 'I feel absolutely exhausted but I'm elated to be here. The whole voyage has been very draining, and there's a lot of things going round in my head. But it's great that I can finally switch my brain off and relax in the company of others, which I've really missed.' British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Queen Elizabeth II both paid tribute to MacArthur. French President Jacques Chirac, in whose country MacArthur is already a household name, also sent his congratulations. MacArthur's journey began on November 28, and from then on, she slept an average of 30 minutes at a time and four hours in any day. She reheated freeze- dried meals on a single burner stove while living in an area measuring 5 feet by 6 feet. Her water supply was desalinated from the sea. She spent Christmas Day in a storm, but after crossing the half-way mark at Cape Horn on New Year Eve, she built a four-day lead on the pace set by rival Francis Joyon. A week later, during the worst storms MacArthur's career, she badly burned her arm on a generator. Buffeted by heavy storms in the southern ocean, MacArthur slipped a day behind Joyon. By late January she was back in contention after crossing theequator. Her 75-foot boat hit a large fish and nearly struck a whale and then light winds threatened. But a storm helped push her back into the lead. Task 1 Answer the questions. 1 On which date did Ellen Mac Arthur break the record? 2 Did she sail with a team? 3 What was the name of the boat? 4 Where did the race end? 5 What kind of animal did she nearly hit? 6 How did she feel when she arrived home? 7 What had she missed? 8 How well known is she in France? 9 What kind of food did she eat? 10 When did she reach the halfway mark? 11 Where was she when she fell behind the pace set by Joy on? 12 What eventually helped her to gain speed? Task 2 Find words or phrases in the text with these meanings. 1 suffering something unpleasant (paragraph 1) 2 a dangerous experience or meeting (paragraph 1) 3 extremely happy and excited (paragraph 3) 4 exhausting (paragraph 3) 5 likely to succeed in a competition (paragraph 7)

Английский язык


Most of all I like adventure novels. My favourite book is “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. You can find much necessary, useful and valuable information in the book. This novel proved us that human can survive in any conditions. Each character is interesting. Cyrus Smith was well-informed. His mind, purposefulness and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to their persistence they achieved prosperity on a desert island. They could grow rich harvest of wheat from the only seed, build a mill, increase poultry, handle a monkey and build a boat. After the example of Ayrton we see that any criminal can reform. In the novel Jules Verne wanted to prove that people are strong if they are united.

Больше всего мне нравятся приключенческие романы. Самая моя любима книга, это роман Жюль Верна «Таинственный остров». В книге можно найти много нужной, ценной и полезной информации. В романе доказано, что человек может выжить в любых условиях. Каждый герой по- своему интересный персонаж. Сайрес Смит обладал большими знаниями. Его ум, целенаправленность и терпение выжить колонистам. Своим упорством они добились процветания на необитаемом острове. Ведь они смогли вырастить огромный урожай пшеницы из одного зёрнышка, построить мельницу, развести домашнюю птицу, приручить обезьяну и построить бот. На примере Айртона показано, что любой преступник может исправиться. В своём романе Жюль Верн хотел доказать, что люди сильны, если они действуют вместе.
Алекс любил автомобили. Он читал книги и смотрел фильмы
об автомобилях. Он хотел иметь машину очень ! Так что однажды
днем Алекс сказал своим родителям: "
не могли бы вы мне? Я хочу, чтобы вы построили машину! "
"Нет," сказала мама Алекса, "Вы не можете построить автомобиль. Вы
слишком малы ".
"Нет", сказал отец Алекса, "Вы не можете построить автомобиль. Это
очень сложно."
Алекс был очень грустный. Он хотел машину. Он хотел
быстрый красный спортивный автомобиль!
Так что Алекс купил некоторые книги и начал читать
о том, как люди строят автомобили. Он пошёл к своему дяде в
гараж и посмотрел на свою машину. Его дядя показал ему
как его машина работала.
Затем Алекс начал строить свою собственную машину! Это было очень
интересно, и у него было много удовольствия. Он хотел сказать ему что
родители об этом незнали, но они не слушали. Они не хотели
говорить об автомобилях.
Через два месяца, Алекс попросил своих родителей, чтобы они пришли к нему в
гараж с ним. В гараже родители Алекса увидели
красную машину. Это был спортивный автомобиль! Алекс мог сидеть в нем и
ездить. Родители Алекса были очень счастливы и удивлены.
Мама Алекса сказала: "Это прекрасная машина!"
отец Алекса сказал: "Она такая большая!"
Алекс улыбнулся и поехал в парк.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

В & Q, broke the record set by Francis Joyon, who finished in 72 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, and 22 seconds in February 2004 Later, she told her team, 'I feel absolutely exhausted but I'm elated to be here. The whole voyage has been very draining, and there's a lot of things going round in my head. But it's great that I can finally switch my brain off and relax in the company of others, which I've really missed.' British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Queen Elizabeth II both paid tribute to MacArthur. French President Jacques Chirac, in whose country MacArthur is already a household name, also sent his congratulations. MacArthur's journey began on November 28, and from then on, she slept an average of 30 minutes at a time and four hours in any day. She reheated freeze- dried meals on a single burner stove while living in an area measuring 5 feet by 6 feet. Her water supply was desalinated from the sea. She spent Christmas Day in a storm, but after crossing the half-way mark at Cape Horn on New Year Eve, she built a four-day lead on the pace set by rival Francis Joyon. A week later, during the worst storms MacArthur's career, she badly burned her arm on a generator. Buffeted by heavy storms in the southern ocean, MacArthur slipped a day behind Joyon. By late January she was back in contention after crossing theequator. Her 75-foot boat hit a large fish and nearly struck a whale and then light winds threatened. But a storm helped push her back into the lead. Task 1 Answer the questions. 1 On which date did Ellen Mac Arthur break the record? 2 Did she sail with a team? 3 What was the name of the boat? 4 Where did the race end? 5 What kind of animal did she nearly hit? 6 How did she feel when she arrived home? 7 What had she missed? 8 How well known is she in France? 9 What kind of food did she eat? 10 When did she reach the halfway mark? 11 Where was she when she fell behind the pace set by Joy on? 12 What eventually helped her to gain speed? Task 2 Find words or phrases in the text with these meanings. 1 suffering something unpleasant (paragraph 1) 2 a dangerous experience or meeting (paragraph 1) 3 extremely happy and excited (paragraph 3) 4 exhausting (paragraph 3) 5 likely to succeed in a competition (paragraph 7)
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