
с тестом WRITING Variant A Task 1. Categories the food or drinks. Mayonnaise, coffee, biscuits, cola, tuna, tomatoes, rice, olive oil, yoghurt, ice-cream, eggs, honey, chicken, bananas, lemons, nuts, bread, pepper, salt, tea. Task 3. Write the tense. Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. 1. I have put my toothbrush. 2. My mum has bought a lovely bag. 3. You’ve been shopping all day. Task 4. Give advice to the illness. 1. Have an earache eat a light meal 2. Have a toothache put drops in it 3. Have a stomachache take a painkiller Task 5. Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun. 1. He usually goes for a walk by ……. 2. Why don’t you do it ….? 3. We always do the gardening ………

Английский язык




по первому не понятно, рассортировать на какие категории ??? еда и напитки ? или фрукты, соусы, овощи ?




1. You should go to the ENT doctor.

2. You should put some drops if you have a toothache.

3. You should take a painkiller if you have a stomachache.





I will tell you about the Republic of Tatarstan. The capital is Kazan. There is warm summer and a moderately cold cold winter. The warmest month is July. People there are sympathetic, cheerful and kind. For foreigners there are many places for entertainment. One of them is Kazan aquapark Riviera. I'll give you advice, be prepared for a cold winter and a fickle summer, if you decide to come to Russia. As for me, why did I choose this particular republic? The answer lies in my relatives and parents. My father and his parents come from Tatarstan, so I think it was sensible to tell about this place in Russia
As the person meet on clothes, so the state on a flag and the coat of arms. Not incidentally with such pride and sometimes with tears athletes look at a flag of the country which victoriously soars up, accompanied with proud sounds of a national anthem. Why these state symbols are so important for people? Whether we why we think of the coat of arms and a flag of our republic so much can explain?        On the State Emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan we see the image of a winged leopard with a round board on one side, with the raised right forepaw against a disk of the sun placed in a frame from the Tatar national ornament in which basis an inscription "Tatarstan", wings consist of seven feathers, the socket on a board consists of eight petals.    The coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan is executed in flowers of a flag of Tatarstan; has a round form.    The central image the coat of arms - a winged leopard, a leopard - in the ancient time, at Volga the Bulgar a fertility deity, the patron of children. In the coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan a leopard - the patron of citizens of the republic and its people. The leopard is represented against a red disk of the sun. The sun - in the ancient time the main deity of many people. The red sun on the coat of arms of Tatarstan means a kind sign, success, happiness, life. On the left side of a leopard - the round board meaning legal, economic, power security of citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan.

 Как человека встречают по одежде, так государство по флагу и гербу. Не случайно с такой гордостью и иногда со слезами спортсмены смотрят на флаг своей страны, который победно взмывает, сопровождаемый гордыми звуками государственного гимна. Почему эти государственные символы так важны для людей? Можем ли мы объяснить,  почему так  трепетно относимся к гербу и флагу нашей республики?        На государственном гербе  Республики Татарстан мы видим изображение крылатого барса с круглым щитом на боку, с приподнятой правой передней лапой на фоне диска солнца, помещённого в обрамление из татарского народного орнамента, в основании которого надпись «Татарстан», крылья состоят из семи перьев, розетка на щите состоит из восьми лепестков.    Герб Республики Татарстан выполнен в цветах флага Татарстана; имеет круглую форму.    Центральный образ герб - крылатый барс, барс - в древности, у Волжских Булгар божество плодородия, покровитель детей. В гербе Республики Татарстан барс - покровитель граждан республики и её народа. Барс изображён на фоне красного диска солнца. Солнце - в древности главное божество многих народов. Красное солнце на гербе Татарстана означает доброе знамение, успех, счастье, жизнь. На левом боку барса - круглый щит, означающий правовую, экономическую, силовую защищённость граждан Республики Татарстан.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

с тестом WRITING Variant A Task 1. Categories the food or drinks. Mayonnaise, coffee, biscuits, cola, tuna, tomatoes, rice, olive oil, yoghurt, ice-cream, eggs, honey, chicken, bananas, lemons, nuts, bread, pepper, salt, tea. Task 3. Write the tense. Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. 1. I have put my toothbrush. 2. My mum has bought a lovely bag. 3. You’ve been shopping all day. Task 4. Give advice to the illness. 1. Have an earache eat a light meal 2. Have a toothache put drops in it 3. Have a stomachache take a painkiller Task 5. Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun. 1. He usually goes for a walk by ……. 2. Why don’t you do it ….? 3. We always do the gardening ………
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