Among all the sportsmen in the world I like Klitschko brothers most of all. Vitali Klitschko (born 19 July 1971) and Wladimir Klitschko (born 25 March 1976), collectively known as еhe Klitschko brothers are Ukrainian heavyweight boxers.
They reside in Germany and in Ukraine, where they are media stars. Both brothers made their professional debut on November 6, 1996 in Hamburg. Since then both have been heavyweight world champions in boxing. They have stated they will never fight each other. After a series of injuries, Vitali had a career break of almost four years. In his comeback fight in Berlin on October 11, 2008 he defeated Samuel Peter to regain the title of WBC world heavyweight champion. At that time Wladimir was already world heavyweight champion with the WBO, IBF and IBO. That was the first time in history with two brothers world champions at the same time.Vitali retained the WBC Heavyweight Championship in 2011. On July 2, 2011, Wladimir won the WBA Title, which means that the Klitschko brothers hold all of the World Heavyweight Titles collectively.Wladimir is single and is fond of music and cinema.I love he.
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Translate into English: конкурент; экспедитор; поставщик; бланк заказа; ответственная сторона; арбитражный суд; соблюдать сроки поставки; не соответствовать спецификации; образец, на основе которого был заключен контракт; серьёзные претензии от клиентов; осмотр товаров; низкое качества товаров; качество товаров не соответствует качеству образца; признать претензию обоснованной; в пути; по халатности рабочих; достаточная компенсация; сумма ущерба, безотзывный аккредитив, дисконтная ставка, по требованию, банк-акцептант, обеспечение кредита, выписывать вексель на кого-либо, номинальная стоимость, опротестовать вексель, индоссамент, индоссант вексель, векселедатель, плательщик.
competitor; forwarder; provider; order form; responsible party; arbitration court; comply with the delivery time; not conform to the specification; the sample on the basis of which the contract was concluded; serious complaints from customers; inspection of goods; poor quality of goods; the quality of the goods does not match the quality of the sample; recognize the claim substantiated; on my way; due to the negligence of workers; sufficient compensation; amount of damage, irrevocable letter of credit, discount rate, upon request, accepting bank, securing a loan, writing a bill on someone, face value, protest a bill, endorsement, endorser, promissory note, drawer, payer.