
1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое, в скобках укажите, в активном или пассивном залоге находятся предложения и переведите их на русский язык. 1. Leo Tolstoy wrote the famous novel “War and Peace”. 2. The window was broken yesterday. 3. Susan didn`t translate the letter last Saturday. 4. The cars were not washed. 5. The apples were bought at the market. 6. Parliament makes laws. 7. The kitchen was cleaned an hour ago. 8. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Английский язык


1. After breakfast, Mr Wardle said, referring to his guests: "You do not mind to go skating? The weather is beautiful, and we have the time. " 2. All the readily agreed, and the ladies began to ask Mr. Winkle to join them. They were convinced that he's a great athlete, so he never missed an opportunity to show off his skill. 3. But Mr. Winkle said that he had not practiced (tobeoutofpractice): he was not smiling in the presence of the idea to show the ladies that he does not know how to skate. 4. The ladies began to insist that he went with them and showed them his art. 5. It is useless to say that he does not have skates: he immediately offered a few pairs. 6. After that, Mr. Winkle could not go to the rink. 7. When they got to the lake, Mr. Bob Sawyer put on his skates and began to describe circles (tomakecircles) on the ice, not stopping for a moment to catch his breath. 8. Poor Mr. Winkle stood for a few minutes with skates in hand and not knowing how to wear them, he was screwing their sharp ends back (withthepointsbehind). 9. Finally, the horses were put on. Before we get to his feet, Mr. Winkle asked Sam to help him. 10. He began by saying that he had noticed that it is very slippery: he could not even stand on the ice, if someone did not support it. 11. Suddenly, Mr. Pickwick, not knowing that his young friend can not stand on the ice without assistance (unassisted), Sam called from the other side of the lake. 12. Sam was able to escape from the hands of Mr. Winkle ('sgrasp), only pushed him away. 13. The unhappy Mr. Winkle, and sat down on the ice, not even making the attempt to rise. 14. Mr. Pickwick was indignant that his friend was telling everyone that he's a good athlete. 13. He expressed his indignation that called Mr. Winkle braggart and humbug.

Київ— столиця України, одне з найбільших і найстаріших міст Європи. Розташований у середній течії Дніпра, у північній Наддніпрянщині. Політичний, соціально-економічний, транспортний та освітньо-науковий центр країни. Окрема адміністративно-територіальна одиниця в складі України й адміністративний центр Київської області. Районний центр Києво-Святошинського району. Адміністративно до складу Київської області не входить. Місце розташування центральних органів влади України, іноземних місій, штаб-квартир більшості підприємств і громадських об'єднань, що працюють в Україні.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое, в скобках укажите, в активном или пассивном залоге находятся предложения и переведите их на русский язык. 1. Leo Tolstoy wrote the famous novel “War and Peace”. 2. The window was broken yesterday. 3. Susan didn`t translate the letter last Saturday. 4. The cars were not washed. 5. The apples were bought at the market. 6. Parliament makes laws. 7. The kitchen was cleaned an hour ago. 8. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
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