Модель (описание одежды)женской одежды.
1.Юбка оранжевого цвета с карманами.
2.Летний сарафан.Сарафан голубого цвета с принтом -цветы и птицы.
3.Шляпка во францскому стилю.Черная и изящная.
4.Шорты джинсового цвета с вышивкой тамбурного шва
5.Футболка бежевого цвета с ракушками.
Model (description of clothing)women's clothing.
1.Orange skirt with pockets.
2.Summer sundress.Blue sundress with print -flowers and birds.
3.Hat in the French style.Black and graceful.
4.Shorts denim color with embroidered chain stitch
5.T-shirt beige with shells.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и выражения: 1. There, three, are, legislative, branches, federal, the, government, of, executive, judicial, and. 2. Federal, the, courts, the, guardians, the Constitution, are, of. 3. Protect, liberties, the federal courts, the rulings, rights, and, guaranteed by the Constitution, of. 4. Through, and, impartial, the federal courts, judgments, fair, interpret, apply, and, the law. 5. The courts, to enforce, do not, the power, have, the laws. 6. Тhe President, enforce, departments, the laws, and, the, branch, and, agencies, executive. 7. The US Constitution, independence, judicial, promotes, in two major ways.
1. The official name of Britain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2. The United Kingdom consists of four parts England Scotland Wales and Ireland.
3. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
4. The three national symbols of England are the St. George's cross (usually seen as a flag), the red rose and the Three Lions crest (usually seen as a badge).
9. the bagpipe is the national instrument of Scots
10. the capital of Wales is Cardiff .
11. London is situated on the river Thames.
12. the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast .
13. British people call their flag Union Jack or Union Flag.
14. The national flower of Northern Ireland is Shamrock.
Thistle is the national flower of Scotland.
The national flower of Wales is daffodil.