
Как сказал Стив в своем интервью, он собирается провести  исследовательская работа.​

Английский язык



А поконкретней можно? Что нужно сделать

Вопрос 1
Could you make me a coffee, please?
Вопрос 2
Plans/ Decisions
Вопрос 3
make up one’s mind - убедить, дать мысль кому либо
make an effort - приложить усилие
make a mess - запутаться в чем либо
make a face - гримасничать
make one’s living - зарабатывать себе на жизнь
Вопрос 4
2.Тут вообще не понятно что писать, т.к нет намёка, что здесь может быть, но я бы написал he turned us in
4. don’t know how
Вопрос 5
When we do not produce any physical object, т.к если говорить я делаю свою домашку - это I’m doing my homework, а не making
Вопрос 6
Could you do me a favour?
Вопрос 7
When we create something that we can touch.
Вопрос 8
Предложения, в которых есть ошибки:
All that smoking makes you harm ( пиши все кроме этого )
Вопрос 9
Work/ Jobs/ Tasks
Вопрос 10
That won’t do! - Так не пойдет
Will that do? - это подойдет?
That will do! - так подойдет! / так и будет!
Easy does it - легко сделать это
During 2010-2012, the heads of the foreign ministries of the countries held a number of meetings. On September 6, 2010, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Konstantin Grishchenko paid an official visit to London, and a month later (October 13-14, 2010) David Lidington visited Ukraine on a visit. On April 3, 2012, Konstantin Grishchenko visited Britain again. However, the intensity of the political dialogue was reduced during 2012, as the British side noted the curtailment of the democratic process in Ukraine.

On may 13, 2013, Ukrainian foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara paid a working visit to London, where the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU was discussed, as well as receiving support from Britain in this process. Ukraine's chairmanship in the OSCE was also discussed[2].

Economic relations Edit
According to the state statistics service of Ukraine, in 2012, exports of goods and services to the UK amounted to 1.3 billion dollars (an increase of 5% compared to the previous year). Ukraine exported base metals and products to Britain (33 % of all exports): ferrous metals (21 %), aluminum (6 %), copper (5 %); means of transport (20 %): aircraft (15 %), ships (4 %); fats and oils (10 %), machinery, equipment and mechanisms (10 %), crop production (8 %), food products (5 %).

Ukraine imported goods worth 1.1 billion us dollars (an increase of 2% over the previous year). That is, Ukraine's foreign trade turnover with the UK in 2012 amounted to 3.1 billion US dollars (an increase of 6% compared to the previous year; the negative balance for Ukraine — 573 million us dollars[4].

Cultural and humanitarian ties Edit
On February 10, 1993, the governments of Ukraine and great Britain signed an Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture, which is a fundamental industry document. This document, as well as other documents, allows you to represent Ukrainian culture in Britain and Vice versa. Ukrainian folk music groups participate in music festivals in Britain, and artists from Ukraine hold exhibitions of their work.

In the educational sphere, there are exchanges of scientists, Ukrainian students study in the United Kingdom, and universities of both countries sign cooperation agreements[5].

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Как сказал Стив в своем интервью, он собирается провести  исследовательская работа.​
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Eduard Popik